Agricultural Science
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Agricultural science offers an overview of modern agriculture, including animal science, plant and soil sciences, food production, livestock and poultry production, natural resources management and more, to help shape future educators and advocates for the agricultural industry.
San Luis Obispo, California
With a flexible and diverse curriculum, you have the opportunity to dive deeply into a specialty agriculture area while gaining a broad understanding of animal and plant science, agriculture production, education methods and presentation styles, sustainability and holistic management, as well as the ability to navigate issues impacting agriculture.
Opportunities are available for work in your field of interest, with laboratories available for course work and research projects in:
- Agriculture Mechanics
- Bee Keeping
- Beef Science
- Dairy Science
- Education Methods
- Food Processing
- Food Safety
- Graphic Communication
- Holistic Management
- Plant Science
- Soil Science
While not formal concentrations, agricultural science majors may select from two career areas:
Individualized Career Area
This career area is appropriate for those who are aiming to become agricultural leaders and communicators and aren’t planning to pursue a teaching credential. You can add in courses supporting the completion of any minor program.
Teaching Agriculture Career Area
This concentration is appropriate for those seeking a teaching credential. You must also choose an area of specialization for your elective courses.
About the Program
A degree in agricultural science prepares you to become an agricultural industry leader and educator.
By focusing on a broad overview of agriculture, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of its various sectors and the capability to promote and serve the needs of the multibillion-dollar industry. The program is approved by the California Department of Education’s Agricultural Education Unit and the California Commission for Teacher Credentialing to prepare individuals to teach at the junior high, high school and community college level anywhere in California and the U.S.
Learn by Doing
As an agricultural science student, you will be enrolled in a variety of courses that involve direct interaction with agriculture. You will explore what it is like to be a veterinarian, agricultural mechanic, horticulturist, agronomist, livestock producer, poultry producer, rancher and agricultural leader – all in the very fields, labs and works spaces of each respective industry. If you decide to focus on teaching, you will also be required to complete a full semester of student teaching at a California high school.

Solve Agricultural Challenges
Our Graduates
Our graduates have become award-winning educators, sales coordinators, school principals, harvest supervisors, marketing professionals, attorneys and commodity board staff.
Major employers are Corteva Science, California Department of Education, Valent, Mulholland Citrus Delite, Driscoll’s, Advantis Global and the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Graduates have also pursued advanced degrees at Chico State, Fresno State, Kansas State, University of Florida, Texas Tech, Oklahoma State University and more.