The Best Photos of 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, it's a good time to reflect on the kind of year it's been at Cal Poly. From taking care of baby goats to conducting marine research, to thesis presentations and dance performances and everything in between, our students, faculty and staff have worked hard to learn, experience, research and have fun.
The Cal Poly News staff went through our photo archives to choose the images we felt best represented each month of the year. See them all below.
Student dancers rehearse for the 53rd Annual Orchesis Dance Company concert, "Falling Forward."
Students in the ASCI 290 Goat Enterprise course take care of newborn goats during winter quarter.
Journalism student Zoe Boyd hosts her show, “The Zoetrope,” on KCPR.
Biological sciences student Caitlin Robertson walks through a field of brilliant yellow wildflowers at the Carrizo Plain during an excursion with her Field Botany class.
Fifth-year architecture thesis students in professor Doug Jackson’s class present their exhibition, "Fixation."
Students smile during the College of Liberal Arts commencement ceremony when green and gold streamers are released.
Environmental management and protection student Josh Florez harvests seeds from a crisp monardella plant at the Oceano Dunes. Over the summer, Florez was part of a team of Cal Poly students working with California State Parks to restore vegetation on the dunes.
Marine science students Sophie Short and Adelle Wilkin work with professor Maddie Schroth-Glanz to deploy audio equipment into the water. They are part of an interdisciplinary team aiming to contribute to large-scale marine mammal monitoring along California's Central Coast.
Students watch the fireworks display during the Big Fall Welcome at Spanos Stadium, which kicks off the Week of Welcome.
A student dances during a hip-hop masterclass hosted by the Theatre and Dance Department.
A student places a candle on an ofrenda, or altar, in UU Plaza during Cal Poly's Día de los Muertos celebration.
Students in the ARCH 241 Architectural Technology Fundamentals class display their custom-designed and handmade bricks. With the support of WRNS Architects in San Francisco, the class traveled to Pacific Clay in Lake Elsinore to make the bricks, which were shipped to Cal Poly after they were fired.