President Armstrong: Continuing to Plan for Fall Quarter

This message originally appeared as an email to the campus community that was sent out on Friday, July 31.
Dear Campus Community,
Thank you for your patience as we continue to plan and respond to the fluid nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the summer, we have continued to work on plans and readying campus in anticipation of welcoming some students, faculty and staff back for select in-person learning and experiences this fall.
Key components of our plans are contingent upon the release of higher education guidance by California Governor Gavin Newsom and state public health officials. Our hope was that the governor would release those guidelines today and we would be able to provide a comprehensive update on our plans for fall. Unfortunately, the guidelines have not yet been released and we continue to wait for further direction.
We are cautiously optimistic that, once released, the governor's guidelines will allow Cal Poly to continue with plans to allow the return of some students and personnel to campus. As soon as we have more direction from the governor and approval of our plans from the CSU, we will share that information with you.
In the meantime, we have created a website to serve as a resource for the fall quarter. The website will be updated with detailed information as soon as our plans are approved. We also encourage you to visit the campus coronavirus website, which we update daily with confirmed case numbers and other important health advisories and information.
Please know that we continue to plan for a variety of contingencies and will communicate as quickly as possible when we receive additional guidance and direction from our local and state public health partners and the CSU. I thank you for your flexibility and patience.
Jeffrey D. Armstrong