EOC Spotlight: Planning and Intelligence Section Keeps Team on Track

Since the Cal Poly Emergency Operations Center was activated in March 2020, the Planning and Intel section has tracked the ever-changing situation and documented all of the EOC’s activities to keep the team informed and updated on its objectives. Members of this section have tracked objectives for each weekly “operational period,” starting with the first operational period on March 3, 2020. Since then, they've created over 60 weekly reports, updated a daily situation report to provide a clear picture of testing and cases on campus, managed numerous weekly meetings, and kept the team on track. In EOC lingo, if the Operations section is the “doers” and Logistics is the “getters,” the Planning section is the “thinkers.” In addition to managing the workload for their permanent jobs, these individuals have gone above and beyond to keep the EOC connected and coordinated: Lanaya Gaberel, Marlene Cramer, Terrance Harris, Emily Orlando, Melissa Bullaro, Kathleen Cook, Lori Serna, Aydin Nazmi, Troy Weipert, Abigail Haskell and Amy Voorhies. Thanks to them for all the time and selfless effort they put into this role during the pandemic.
COVID-19 Vaccine Appointments Available on Campus Through June 4; More than Half of Students Living on Campus Report Being Vaccinated

There is still time to get a COVID-19 vaccine on campus before the end of spring quarter. The Rite Aid vaccination clinic is open to everyone through June 4. The clinic is hosting several weekend dates and welcomes walk-ins on weekdays. The clinic provides the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine to anyone 18 and older, as well as first and second doses of the Pfizer vaccine to anyone 12 and older. (Minors must have parental consent.) Appointments are available through Rite Aid’s registration page by searching the ZIP code 93407. Off-campus, first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccines are available through the My Turn appointment system online or at 833-422-4255 or All three of SLO County Public Health’s mass vaccination sites are open for walk-ins, though hours have changed; those sites plan to close after June 3. Students have had the opportunity to share their COVID-19 vaccination records with Campus Health and Wellbeing since April 23, and since then, more than 7,000 students report receiving all necessary doses of their vaccine. To date, more than 59% of students living on campus are fully vaccinated. Visit Cal Poly’s vaccine page for a spectrum of additional resources, including links to appointment opportunities, transportation resources and information about the available vaccines.
Cal Poly Corporation Board of Directors to Meet June 3
The Cal Poly Corporation board of directors will hold its annual meeting virtually using Zoom at 12:30 p,m. Thursday, June 3. This is a public meeting. Public comments for this meeting must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 2, via email to Obtain a copy of the agenda with all pertinent information for the Zoom meeting starting May 27 by emailing or visiting the Cal Poly Corporation website. Use this Zoom link to access the meeting on June 3. For more information about this meeting or to obtain a copy of the meeting agenda, contact Ann Roy at ext. 6-1131.
Study Finds Weight-Loss Maintainers Sit Less Than Weight-Stable People with Obesity
A new study found that people who lost weight and kept it off spent less time sitting compared to people with obesity whose weight stayed the same. This is the first study to examine time spent in various sitting activities among weight-loss maintainers. The research was published today in the journal Obesity. In 2006, the National Weight Control Registry showed that weight-loss maintainers watched significantly less television than controls, but other sitting activities weren’t included in the registry. The Rhode Island-based research study includes more than 10,000 who have lost at least 30 pounds of weight and kept it off for at least one year. In the Cal Poly study, weight-loss maintainers and controls reported similar TV time, but weight-loss maintainers spent less time using a computer or video game outside of work. “The findings hopefully will prompt future weight maintenance intervention research testing the effects of and optimal approaches for reducing sedentary behavior, including non-work-related computer and video game usage,” said Suzanne Phelan one of the study’s lead authors, director of Cal Poly’s Center for Health Research, and a professor in the Kinesiology and Public Health Department. “Future research should include objective measures of sedentary behavior and activity.” Read the news release.
Study Finds Recording of Whitewater River Noise Drives Bats and Birds Away
A new Cal Poly study finds that birds and bats often avoid habitat swamped with loud whitewater river noise. “Naturally loud environments have been largely neglected in ecological research,” said Dylan Gomes, a Cuesta College alumnus who led the study as part of his doctoral research at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho. “We aimed to test the hypothesis that intense natural noise can shape animal distributions and behavior by experimentally broadcasting whitewater river noise at a massive scale.” The study, published today in the journal Nature Communications, was a collaboration between Cal Poly and Boise State. “The prevailing hypothesis for why many animals avoid noise is called masking,” said Cal Poly biology Professor Clinton Francis, one of the senior authors. “When noise overlaps in frequency — what we perceive as pitch — with a biological signal such as birdsong, it masks, or hides, that signal. By broadcasting noise of different frequencies, we hoped to assess the role that masking of important sounds plays in animals choosing to avoid noisy places.” Read the news release.
Student Success
Volunteer for Spring Graduate Recognition Events and Get a $50 Gift Card

Help create an amazing experience for graduation candidates by volunteering a couple of hours at one of the college-based graduation events on Saturday and Sunday, June 12-13. The Commencement Office is looking for administrators, faculty and staff volunteers to participate in various roles during the events (three to four hours for each event). Volunteer participation is optional. Volunteers will receive a $50 gift card to the Cal Poly University Store or on-campus dining venues for each shift they complete (up to two gift cards maximum per person). All volunteers must follow public health guidelines and will need to complete a short training prior to the event. To sign up, complete this volunteer registration form. (Note: Non-exempt employee participation is voluntary but volunteers should receive compensatory time off (CTO). CTO will not incur an unbudgeted expense to an employee’s department. Exempt employees may use a flexible work schedule during commencement week to shift work hours from week to weekend. All participating employees must obtain approval from their supervisors/managers to participate. Contact Human Resources with questions. The Commencement Office is also looking to recruit student workers. If you have students in your area looking for leadership experience, encourage them to sign up. They will receive $16 per hour. Questions? Contact the Commencement Office at or ext. 6-1600.
Faculty & Staff
Reentry Into the Workplace Trainings Available for Employees
How do you feel about the world reopening as the pandemic eases? Fear and anxiety is understandable given the impact to our communities over the last year. Human Resources has partnered with LifeMatters to provide sessions about navigating through the thoughts and tensions involved with returning to working on campus. Learn practical strategies for managing emotions and preparing for reentry. Learn more and register. Attendance is subject to supervisory approval and based on departmental operational needs. Contact or ext. 6-2236 with any questions. Upcoming benefit events can be viewed on the Human Resources Upcoming Benefit Events webpage.
New Professional Development Courses Added in June

Employee and Organization Development invites employees to participate in the June professional development offerings as part of the Cross Campus Collaboration series. Many of Cal Poly’s and the other CSU campuses’ workshops will occur online, providing a unique opportunity to extend learning beyond campus borders while offering a new way to share professional development. New courses and additional dates have been added in June. View and register using the links below. Registration opens Thursday, May 20, on a first-served basis, so don’t delay.
- Positive Psychology, June 1, 9-11 a.m.
- Self-Coaching, June 1, 1-2:30 p.m.
- Improving the Work, is the Work: Creating an Ongoing Daily Problem-Solving Culture in Higher Education, June 8, 9:30-11 a.m.
- Mindfully Managing the Heart Side of Change, June 8, 10-11:30 a.m.
- Leaders @ Change, June 10, 9-11 a.m.
- Self-Care Strategies for Wholehearted Living, June 11, 10-11:30 a.m.
- Virtual Facilitation, June 14, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Work-Life Integration, June 15, 1-2:30 p.m.
- SMART Goals, June 17, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Exposing Hidden Bias, June 18, 9-10:30 a.m.
- Employee Engagement, June 22, 1-3 p.m.
- Respect in the Workplace, June 23, 10:30 a.m. to noon.
- Positive Psychology, June 29, 10 a.m. to noon.
- The Art and Science of Building an Organizational Culture, June 30, 10:30 a.m. to noon.

Music Professor Antonio “Greg” Barata, longtime director of the sound design program — as well as instructor of theory, composition and orchestration — retired from full-time teaching at the end of spring quarter 2020 after 35 years. He will teach part time for the next few years. He earned his Doctorate of Musical Arts in music composition from the University of Illinois, specializing in electroacoustic and computer music, in 1985, the same year he started at Cal Poly. He founded the Sound Design program, and RSVP is the capstone of the sequential series of classes that evolved to a fully staged production, including theater, musical scenes, musical parody, dance and live and prerecorded music. The classes give students the skills and exposure to the technology and media elements needed to combine the composition, performance, soundscape and staging that bring these shows to life. Spring 2020 marked the 25th anniversary of RSVP, which was offered virtually in three video installments due to the pandemic. Barata is an active composer. In March 2020, the Cal Poly Wind Ensemble premiered his piece “Winds of Change.” In 2006, he earned a Master of Pastoral Studies degree from Loyola University in New Orleans and is currently a deacon at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish in Nipomo. Barata has generously served the Music Department by chairing almost every faculty search committee. Sign Barata's virtual card.
Campus Announcements
yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Tribe Available for Project Consultation
More than five years ago, Cal Poly embarked on a historic partnership with the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash tribe, resulting in the opening of yakʔitʸutʸu — Cal Poly’s newest first-year residential community. As part of this continued partnership, the tribe remains available for questions and consultations. Campus community members can use this form if they have a project, event, program or questions for representatives of the tribe. Give two week’s minimum lead time for your request. To learn more about the partnership between Cal Poly and the yak titʸu titʸu yak tiłhini Northern Chumash tribe, the stories behind the building names, or to practice pronouncing them, check out the yakʔitʸutʸu resource page. For additional information, contact Julia Bluff in University Housing at ext. 6-1584 or
First-Floor Study Space Reopens in Kennedy Library

The Kennedy Library has reopened the Hub24 and atrium spaces on the library’s first floor. Individual study space and two-person study rooms are available, as is printing. All spaces are first-come, first-serve. Face coverings and social distancing are required, and students must show their green campus pass to enter the library. Additionally, Cal Poly's public health liaisons visit the Kennedy Library study space daily to model safe COVID-19 practices and to answer questions. They also hand out free face coverings and mini hand sanitizers. Gender-inclusive restrooms will also be open in the space. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The library will continue to offer services virtually, including a 24/7 live chat to answer questions. Contactless checkout of books and other physical materials also remain available. To view the full selection of library resources, visit
Free AWS Cloud Training Available May 27

Extended Education is offering another opportunity for campus community members to receive free cloud training through its Amazon Web Services (AWS) Discovery Day event. Cal Poly will offer a Discovery Day session hosted on Zoom from noon to 3 p.m. Thursday, May 27. This event is free and offers a great opportunity for those who are interested in learning more about AWS fundamental cloud concepts and services. Cal Poly joined the AWS Partner Network (APN) Training Partner Program in October, enabling authorized instructors at the university to deliver training developed by AWS. To learn more about this unique partnership and to register for the Discovery Day event, visit Cal Poly’s AWS Training website.
Two Bella Montaña Homes Listed For Sale

Two Bella Montaña units are on the market: 555-A and 555-B each come equipped with all the amenities that Bella Montana offers. Both have 1,029 square feet of living space in with two comfortable bedrooms and two and one-half bathrooms. These homes come equipped with a spacious one-car garage, a lovely deck and an indoor laundry unit. Beautiful views can be admired from these units. Living in Bella Montaña means convenient access to Cal Poly’s campus, nearby restaurants and retail, and beautiful hiking terrain. Visit for more information.
APIDA Heritage Month Closing Event with Jose Antonio Vargas to be Held May 26

The campus community is invited to attend the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month closing keynote event, featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 26. During this hourlong session, Vargas will engage us in a conversation about the importance of understanding intersectional APIDA identities and what it means to engage in activism and allyship. Learn more and register for this event. Questions? Contact Lilianne Tang at
Panel to Discuss Disability Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on May 28
In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the Disability Faculty Staff Association and Disability Resource Center will host a community panel from 1:30-3 p.m. Friday, May 28. The panel will discuss the disability experience during COVID-19, including challenges, "silver linings" and practices the disability community hopes will continue post-pandemic. This event is free and open to all faculty, staff, students and the general public. Live auto-captioning and ASL interpreter will be provided. Learn more about Global Accessibility Awareness Day activities and register for this panel at
‘Black Men in White Coats’ Screening and Panel Discussion May 22-26

A free screening of the 80-minute documentary film “Black Men in White Coats” will be offered Saturday through Wednesday, May 22-26, followed by a panel discussion from 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 26. The 2020 film dissects the systemic barriers preventing Black men from becoming medical doctors and the consequences to society at large. Only 2% of American doctors are Black men, and Black men have the lowest life expectancy in the U.S. A panel will discuss the systemic barriers the members faced in medicine and how to make the field more equitable moving forward. Panelists include: Dr. Joye Carter, forensic pathologist for San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department and the first African American to be appointed as a chief medical examiner; Cal Poly alumnus and medical student Anthony Kilgore; and Dr. Joel Lopes, chief of the Department of Anesthesiology at Colquitt Regional Medical Center in Moultrie, Georgia. Register here to view the screening between 4 p.m. Saturday, May 22, and 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 25. Use this registration link to view after 7 p.m. May 25 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 26. Registration is also open for the panel discussion. For more information, visit the event webpage. The event is sponsored by the College of Science and Mathematics.
Virtual Theatre and Dance Production ‘Chatroom’ Available to Stream Through May 30

The Cal Poly Theatre and Dance Department presents Enda Walsh’s “Chatroom.” The virtual production will be streamed at 8 p.m. May 28-29, and at 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 30. How do we learn to love one another? Internet chat rooms of the early 2000s, — precursors to today’s social networking media — allowed people to virtually meet others throughout the world with the same passions, interests, loves, hates and loneliness. When a teenager desperate for help reaches out to a chat room, several strangers respond. But what are their true intentions? This prescient 2005 play by Walsh (“Once,” “Disco Pigs”) explores the murky potential of online relationships — from cruelty to loving kindness. Reserve free tickets here and contact Christy Chand with questions.
Music Department to Present Virtual ‘RSVP XXVI: Electronic Music Showcase’ on May 29

The Music Department’s student production ensemble RSVP will present “RSVP XXVI: Electronic Music Showcase” virtually at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 29. The concert will feature premieres of original student-produced music that explores a variety of ways to create and transform electronic sounds. Students from the Music Department’s Sound Design classes have collaborated with Composition Forum Club members to produce new works ranging from lo-fi grooves and video game music, to experimental soundscapes and pop. The music will be synced with video games designed by members of Cal Poly’s Game Development Club and media by Art and Design students. The concert will conclude with the Sound Design students performing two works for laptop orchestra (lork), which functions similarly to a traditional ensemble but instead of playing acoustic instruments, the students will be generating sounds with laptop computers. Sound Design instructor Laura M. Kramer will direct the concert. Tickets are sold from the Performing Arts Center, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website.
‘The Muse Hour’ Concludes June 5 with Tommy Emmanuel

The conclusion of the second season of Cal Poly Arts’ virtual music and conversation series, “The Muse Hour,” will be held at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, June 5, with a concert from acoustic guitar legend Tommy Emmanuel. Considered among this planet’s greatest guitarists, the Australian plays multi-dimensional arrangements flawlessly on the acoustic guitar. His infectiously appealing joy is delivered with that smile of the ages and evidence of authentic, unbridled delight, that irresistibly invites listeners to feel his music as deeply as he does. Produced in cooperation with Tacoma Arts Live in Washington and The Luther Burbank Center in Santa Rosa, California, this event includes an exclusive pre-recorded concert, followed by a live virtual and moderated Q&A session with Emmanuel. Tickets to the second season of “The Muse Hour” are $11.50 per device, per event, and current Cal Poly Arts VIP Members at the $75 cameo level and up receive free access to all of “The Muse Hour” events. Visit for more information.
Cal Poly Choirs to Present ‘Ubi Caritas’ Concert Virtually on June 5

The Cal Poly Choirs will present a virtual concert “Ubi Caritas,” which will feature a variety of selections on the themes of charity and love, at 8 p.m. Saturday, June 5. Cal Poly’s Chamber Choir will present three 20th-century settings of the Latin text “Ubi Caritas,” all loosely based on the ancient chant melody. This portion will feature works by Maurice Duruflé, Ola Gjeilo and Luke Mayernik. The group will also perform several Italian and French secular works. The Cal Poly Women’s Chorus will present “Someone Will Remember Us” by Jocelyn Hagen. The choir will be accompanied by animal science major Hana AbdulCader on harp, plus a string trio of Music Department faculty members: Emily Lanzone, violin; Michael Whitson, viola; and Laura Gaynon, cello. PolyPhonics, Cal Poly’s premier ensemble, will perform music by Carlos Guastavino and Joseph Rheinberger, as well as a special comical selection. The University Singers will present music by J.S. Bach and R. Scott Coulter, among others. Tickets are sold from the Performing Arts Center, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website.
Wind Bands to Present Virtual ‘Voices in the Wind’ Concert June 6

The Wind Ensemble and Wind Orchestra will present a virtual concert “Voices in the Wind” at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 6. Most musical works on the program were composed in the past 10 years, including “A Mother of a Revolution!” by Omar Thomas, which was inspired by the Stonewall uprising of 1969 that brought to national attention the systemic oppression of the LGBTQ community in New York City. Faculty oboist Heidi Butterfield will perform the West Coast premiere of “Hidden Currents” for oboe and wind ensemble by Katherine Bergman. The piece depicts the seasonal changes along the northernmost stretch of the Mississippi River. Travis Cross’ “Let the Amen Sound” will conclude the concert. A live Q&A session with conductors Christopher J. Woodruff and Nicholas P. Waldron and some of the performers will be held after. Tickets are sold from the Performing Arts Center, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website.
Cal Poly Symphony to Present ‘Voices Past and Present’ Virtually on June 11

The Cal Poly Symphony will present its season finale, “Voices Past and Present,” through a virtual presentation at 7:30 p.m. Friday, June 11. The program will include music for winds and brass, music for string orchestra and music for everyone together. The winds and brass will conclude their yearlong exploration of Gordon Jacob’s “Old Wine in New Bottles,” a set of pieces based on old English folk songs. The orchestra’s string section will perform Chicago-based composer Stacy Garrop’s “Lo Yisa Goy,” an instrumental setting of the Jewish prayer for peace. Everyone will come together to play two works: Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “English Folk Song Suite,” orchestrated by Jacob, and Nkeiru Okoye’s “Voices Shouting Out,” written in response to the events of 9/11. A live Q&A session with conductor and music Professor David Arrivée and students will follow the recorded performance. Tickets are sold from the Performing Arts Center, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website.
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at
Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around our campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and include events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Per guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for these events at 33% capacity. This guideline will be revisited for future events. Tickets for baseball games can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center. Admission to all other spring sports events is free.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Friday, May 28
Baseball vs. Hawai'i, Baggett Stadium, 5 p.m.
Saturday, May 29
Baseball vs. Hawai'i (DH), Baggett Stadium, 1 p.m.
Sunday, May 30
Baseball vs. Hawai'i, Baggett Stadium, 1 p.m.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#500361 — Pharmacist II — Student Affairs – Campus Health and Wellbeing. $77,460-$149,520 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $120,288-$149,520 per year. Open until filled.
#500257 — Administrative Coordinator — World Languages and Cultures (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Academic Affairs — College of Liberal Arts — World Languages and Cultures. $36,768-$61,776 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $39,000-$50,400 per year. Open until filled.
#500354 — Technical Project Management (Information Technology Consultant — Career) — Information Services — Portfolio Management. $52,464-$129,504 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $91,200-$110,400 per year. Open until filled.
#500147 — Administrative Coordinator — Wellbeing Services (Administrative Support Coordinator I) — Student Affairs — Campus Health and Wellbeing. $3,064-$5,148 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $3,064-$3,524 per month. Open until filled.
#500042 — Communications Specialist (Public Affairs/Communications Specialist II) — Academic Affairs — College of Architecture and Environmental Design. $42,180-$76,296 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $53,040-$68,000 per year. Open until filled.
#500281 — Network Systems Administrator (Network Analyst — Career) — Information Services — Infrastructure and Platform Services. $52,464-$129,504 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $78,000-$102,000 per year. Open until filled.
#500335 — Senior Director of Development (Administrator II) — College of Engineering — Advancement. Salary commensurate with the background and experience of the individual selected. Open until filled.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. The part-time lecturer pools are now open. Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. For assistance, please email Academic Personnel at
#500334 — Post-Doctoral Teaching Fellow — Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering. Open until filled.
#500339 — Post-Doctoral Teaching/Research Fellow — Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering. Open until filled.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
Warehouse Specialist (10-Month), Campus Dining, $15-$21.96 per hour.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Visit the Work For ASI webpage for a full listing of available positions and to apply. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
Director — Finance (Business Services), $106,606.50/annually with excellent benefits. Position open until filled.
Club Services Assistant (University Union), $18.30/hour with excellent benefits. Position open until filled.
Teacher (Orfalea Family and ASI Children's Center), $16.14/hour with excellent benefits. Position open until filled.
Building Service Worker (University Union), $16.25/hour with excellent benefits. Position closes at 9 p.m. May 30, 2021.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication.