Employee Holiday Party to be Held Dec. 1
Campus employees are invited to join President Armstrong and Mrs. Sharon D. Armstrong — along with fellow staff, faculty, ASI and Corporation colleagues — for an open-air holiday reception from 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1, in the Rossi Grand Lobby and Plaza of the Performing Arts Center. Spouses and partners are welcome. In partnership with Cal Poly Basic Needs, guests are invited to bring toiletries or a gift card for a local grocery store or to make a donation online by clicking here. All donations support Cal Poly Cares, the Food Pantry, and Health and Counseling Services. Masks will be required for all attendees while indoors. There will be ample space in the PAC Plaza for guests to enjoy refreshments while celebrating the season. Guests are encouraged to dress warmly. Anyone with questions can contact the Office of the President at ext. 6-6000 or Happy holidays!
Two Professors Named Faculty Fellows to Focus on Semester Conversion Process
Provost Cynthia Jackson Elmoore has announced that philosophy Professor Rachel Fernflores, serving as director of semester conversion, will lead the quarter-to-semester conversion process with the assistance of computer science Professor Aaron Keen. They will lead Academic Affairs through the semester conversion process, researching and bringing forward best practices from other universities and coordinating with divisions across campus. They will collaborate closely with the Academic Senate and its committees, along with the college and department curriculum committees, and will work together with campus constituents to convert processes, including curriculum, advising, registrar, financial aid, admissions, and others to align with the semester calendar. For this project, Fernflores and Keen can be reached at They welcome your thoughts and questions on this important effort. Read the full announcement.
Annual Poinsettia Sale Starts Dec. 3
Cal Poly’s annual poinsettia sale, with thousands of plants and dozens of varieties and colors, will kick off Friday, Dec. 3, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Poly Plant Shop and will run through mid-December. The flowering holiday plants are grown by students who work in the Horticulture and Crop Science Department’s greenhouses. This year’s poinsettia project offers many shades of red, white, pink and variegated varieties. Sizes range from small plants in four-inch pots to large poinsettias reaching three feet high, in 14-inch pots. Prices range from $8 to $75. In addition to poinsettias, the Poly Plant Holiday Sale also features student-made wreaths, centerpieces, succulents, ornaments and gifts. For more information, read the news release or visit the Poly Plant Shop website.
Read The CAED’s Fall Newsletter
The College of Architecture and Environmental Design’s fall 2021 edition of Connections Quarterly celebrates the college welcoming students back to campus for the first time since early 2020. Read more about the 18th annual Vellum Furniture Competition and Exhibition (pictured), plus additional stories, including: digital solutions for the Landscape Architecture Department’s class of 2021, a city and regional planning social media series and an architecture student’s nationally recognized project.
COVID-19 and Flu Vaccine Available on Campus
Rite Aid is on campus to offer the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, including booster shots and the flu vaccine in the Recreation Center Main Gym lobby (No. 43, Room 101). The clinic will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dec. 3, Jan. 7 and Jan. 14. Only walk-ins are available on Dec. 3. These clinics are open to family members of employees. The Rite Aid clinic will be able to offer first and second doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 years old (second doses are available to children who received a first dose at least 21 days prior). Employees who brought their children to the Recreation Center for a first dose in early November are welcome to walk in for a second dose. Check the COVID-19 Vaccine webpage for updated information on vaccine and booster eligibility, what to bring to an appointment and more.
Student Success
Student Entrepreneurs Win Cash Prizes for Innovative Ideas at CIE Elevator Pitch Competition

A Cal Poly student and one from Allan Hancock College each won $1,000 at the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) 12th annual Elevator Pitch Competition. A third student, also from Cal Poly, received the $500 audience choice award at the fast-paced, high-energy competition for Cal Poly, Cuesta College and Allan Hancock College entrepreneurs, held recently in the Performing Arts Center. Nine finalists, selected from an initial pool of over two dozen applicants, had 90 seconds each to pitch their innovative product, service and startup ideas on Nov. 2. Cal Poly’s Surya Venugopal, an industrial engineering senior from Pleasanton, California, won with his pitch for XCredit, a peer-to-peer platform that allows users to cultivate their credit scores by fulfilling their payment requests. Read the news release.
Student-Made Products Available for the Holidays

Gather around the table with your family and enjoy delicious Cal Poly ham, wine and cheese! Cal Poly Meats is now taking orders for this year's holiday season. The bone-in hams are $4.50 a pound and are available to purchase as whole or half hams. For more information, visit or place an order by emailing This holiday season the Cal Poly Creamery has new award-winning cheeses and traditional favorites, available in a variety of gift box arrangements. Order your cheese selections in time for holiday delivery. In addition, the Wine and Viticulture Department has also created holiday wine, cheese and chocolate gift packs. Purchase here. Thank you for supporting students and Cal Poly's Learn by Doing tradition.
Exploring the Future of Cal Poly’s Swanton Pacific Ranch
Advanced landscape architecture students partnered with Swanton Pacific Ranch this quarter to create potential designs to be considered during the redevelopment of the ranch following the CZU Lightning Complex fire that destroyed much it in August 2020. Four student groups will present their projects from 1:10 to 4:10 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1, in the Advanced Technology Lab (No. 7). Swanton Pacific Ranch staff will also share a few updates and take questions and comments on the strategic intent for the ranch moving forward. The students, enrolled in LA 403: Natural Systems Design Studio, were asked to provide a comprehensive master plan reflecting the ranch’s future vision and integrating programs that embrace the characteristics of the region and place, accommodate a variety of educational opportunities, and support its resilience and sustainability. Anyone with a connection or interest in Swanton Pacific Ranch is encouraged to attend.
Faculty and Staff
Cal Poly Campus Dining Wins Grand Prize Award in NACUFS Competition
Cal Poly Campus Dining is the recipient of the 2020 Loyal E. Horton Dining Awards Grand Prize by the National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS). Cal Poly was announced as the grand prize winner in the Catering-Online Menu category during the recent NACUFS Fall Conference Learning Series Awards Ceremony. Campus Dining was selected from a group of gold tier Catering-Online Menu recipients. The Catering-Online Menu is judged on the creative design, style and the usage of attractive images in the menu and web design. The annual Loyal E. Horton Dining Award celebrates college dining programs throughout the United States and Canada for their innovative ideas and exemplary campus dining programs. Learn more about all of the winners.
Nominations Sought for Outstanding Staff Award
Staff employees, faculty members, and department or division heads are encouraged to submit nominations for the Outstanding Staff Award. The deadline to submit a nomination for the 2021-22 award is Friday, Jan. 14. To be eligible, nominees must be permanent, full-time employees of the university, Cal Poly Corporation or ASI, who have completed at least three years of employment as of Dec. 31, 2021 (10-month employees are eligible). Employees represented by Bargaining Unit 3 (faculty), former recipients of the award, and student assistants are not eligible. The Outstanding Staff Award selection criteria and nomination form can be found on the Human Resources website.
Career Education Canvas Modules Available to Embed in Courses
Career Services offers career curriculum in Canvas modules that faculty can embed in their courses. Each module is designed to be delivered asynchronously and includes several customizable components, such as readings, videos and activities. Faculty are encouraged to complement the material in the modules by having a career counselor present to their class. The following career education modules are currently offered:
- Networking
- Interviewing
- Discovering Career Possibilities
- Navigating Your Job/Internship Search
- Resume and Cover Letter
- Portfolium
To request the Canvas modules or see a brief overview video about each module, visit the Career Services website.
‘Tips for a Meaningful Holiday’ Webinar set for Dec. 8
LifeMatters, Cal Poly’s Employee Assistance Program, will present Tips for a Meaningful Holiday during a live webinar at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 8. Take a moment to reflect on creating a meaningful holiday and setting realistic expectations to keep stress at bay. Join this hourlong webinar to learn these holiday tips plus information on services offered by LifeMatters, including advice on overall well-being, relationships, financial and legal assistance, health, counseling and more. Learn how to access these services and when LifeMatters may be of assistance. This session will include practical guidance for stress relief, tips for parents and action plan development.
Mental Health and Well-Being Resources Available for Faculty, Staff and Students
Cal Poly offers a slate of mental health and well-being resources, as well as practical advice for telecommuting to work or classes that are just a click, text or phone call away. Human Resources and Campus Health and Wellbeing offer these services for faculty, staff and students to assist in times of stress and COVID-19:
- Employee Assistance Program offers confidential counseling services to employees and their families at 800-367-7474 or online.
- Resources for Emotional Support and Wellbeing.
- Central Coast Hotline, a confidential mental health guidance, crisis and suicide prevention telephone line, call 1-805-783-0607.
- Working Remotely Toolkit.
- Mindfulness Resources.
- Ergonomics tips for working from home.
- Text START to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8253) for a confidential conversation anytime (Jed Foundation).
- Text STEVE to 741-741 to access a culturally trained crisis text line counselor (The Steve Fund).
- Read these tips from the Jed Foundation for taking care of ourselves and others during difficult times.
- Faculty and staff can remind students of key resources, including Counseling Services, Safer (also available to faculty and staff), Student Diversity and Belonging, and the Dean of Students office. Students can call Counseling Services at ext. 6-2511 for 24/7 psychological support.
In addition, employees should try to get sufficient sleep, exercise and proper nutrition. Remember to take breaks from work and develop separation or boundaries from your workspace or transition to and from work. Human Resources notes that a decline in productivity may occur during a challenging time and encourages all campus community members to practice compassion with themselves and each other.
Weekly Workshops to Help Faculty Explore Solutions to Climate Change
Every discipline has a role to play in finding global climate change solutions, but what keeps faculty from discussing climate change in their courses? A series of 90-minute weekly workshops, held Wednesday mornings between Feb. 9 and May 5, will explore the issue. The Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology and Cal Poly's Facilities Energy, Utilities and Sustainability team invite faculty to apply for the CSUwide Faculty Learning Community (FLC) in Teaching Climate Change and Resilience. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 16. This FLC will help participants think about teaching and learning focused on climate change and resilience. The goals for participants in the FLC are to:
- Learn about and develop or modify course curriculum with a focus on climate change, climate justice, and resilience.
- Gain collegial support for teaching sustainability across the disciplines.
- Work collaboratively to identify and design pedagogical approaches to teach students about sustainability problems paired with investigating possible solutions together.
The weekly conversations will be driven by the questions that emerge from participants’ particular course contexts. Stipends of $500 are available for eligible employees who complete the FLC requirements.
December Brings New Professional Development Courses
Employee and Organization Development is pleased to share the release of the December professional development offerings as part of the Cross Campus Collaboration series. Many of Cal Poly’s and the CSU campuses’ workshops are offered online, providing a unique opportunity to extend learning beyond campus borders and offer a new way to share professional development.
New courses and additional dates for December have recently been added. View and register using the links below. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay.
- True Colors Personal Success Workshop
- Retaining Continuity when Employees Leave
- Positive Psychology
- Re-Discover and Re-Imagine: Agility (Series 3 of 4)
- Decisions, Decisions! Creative Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Techniques
- The Value of Making Values Valuable for You and Your Team
- Re-Discover and Re-Imagine: Vulnerability (Series 4 of 4)
More classes are coming for 2022. Check the Upcoming Opportunities page of the website for updates.
Faculty Advisor Training Series Available in Winter
University Advising will offer a three-week Faculty Advisor Training series in January and February that introduces undergraduate faculty advisors to academic advising core competencies:
- FA 101: Nuts and Bolts of Faculty Advising: Friday, Jan. 14.
- FA 102: Assemble Your Faculty Advising Toolkit: Friday, Jan. 21.
- FA 103: Building Student Success Through Faculty Advising: Friday, Feb. 4.
Learn more about the Faculty Advisor Training series. Questions? Email Christina Wolfe-Chandler, advisor training coordinator, at
Steve Rutland, integrations engineering lead with Information Technology Services, will retire after 35 years of service on Wednesday, Dec. 1. Rutland will be remembered for fostering a cohesive and collaborative team and instilling a strong foundation of standards and processes. He studied at Cal Poly, earning a bachelor’s degree in engineering technology and a master’s degree in business administration. As a student, he participated in the Rose Float Club, where he met his wife amid the mechanics and hydraulics on the float inner workings and its colorful floral display on the outside. In addition, he got his start at Cal Poly while working part time in the computer-aided design lab. Later, ITS hired him to manage the lab full time. He has worn many hats at ITS over the years. He served as the original Cal Poly “webmaster” — helping the university become the first in the CSU system to release a campus website. He designed and supported Cal Poly’s enterprise Drupal environment, building web templates, implementing accessible technology and launching the first campus e-signature service. And along the way he mentored more than 100 students in web design and development. As a Rose Float alum, in early 2004 Rutland and his wife, Shirley, submitted the Rose Float design for "Elefun Time," which became the twin Cal Polys’ 2005 Tournament of Roses Parade entry in the Pasadena classic. Rutland’s daughter continued mom and dad’s #CalPolyProud legacy and earned a degree in mechanical engineering in 2020. As a retiree, Rutland looks forward to the simple pleasures: sleeping in, volunteering, traveling by RV, hiking, mountain biking, tennis, landscaping, learning to play the piano, and playing blues harmonica. Join ITS in signing a virtual card.
After more than 31 years of impactful instruction, advising and administrative support Professor Leanne Berning will retiring from the Dairy Science program in the Animal Science Department in December. During her academic tenure wth the university, "Dr. B" interacted with countless students, faculty and staff, not only through her teaching and administrative involvement, but also through her participation with the Writing Proficiency Exam and her involvement with university commencement. A retirement reception will be held for her from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 9, in the Erhart Agriculture Building (No. 10), Room 105. All are welcome to drop in and congratulate Berning as she embarks on her next great adventure. For more information, email
Campus Announcements
Volunteers Needed for Cal Poly Cat Program
The Cal Poly Cat Program (CPCP) is looking for shelter volunteers who are available during winter break. CPCP is a nonprofit organization comprised of students, faculty, staff and community members who care about the health and happiness of feral and domesticated cats. Its mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for sanctuary, surrendered, stray and rehabilitated feral cats and kittens while they wait for new loving homes. CPCP is looking for volunteers to come to the shelter for two-hour shifts once a week to care for the cats during winter break. Tasks include feeding, cleaning cages and the shelter, scooping litter boxes, and socializing cats. CPCP welcomes all members of the community to volunteer, including those not affiliated with Cal Poly and minors accompanied by a parent. Interested in helping? Contact
Donate to Mustang Holiday Gift Drive by Dec. 3
The Center for Service in Action (CSA) invites all students, staff, faculty and their families to contribute to the Mustang Holiday Gift Drive. Contribute by picking up a gift tag and purchasing a gift for a child in need or by donating money via the Mustang Holiday Gift Drive's Spur Change crowdfunding website. Each tag represents a specific request supporting local children and families in need. To pick up a gift tag, visit one of the Gift Tag Pick-up locations on campus: second floor stairway landing in Kennedy Library (No. 35), the second floor of the UU (No. 65), and the CSA in the Science Building (No. 52, Room E22). Bring newly purchased, unwrapped gift items to the CSA by Friday, Dec. 3, to help make a child smile this holiday season. For more information, visit the CSA website.
Cal Poly to Host Job Fair and Hiring Event Dec. 4-5
Cal Poly is hosting a Job Fair and Hiring Event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4-5, to immediately fill more than 65 full and part-time positions available across campus in custodial, facilities, dining and parking services. Job seekers are invited to come to the Job Fair and Hiring Event prepared to do on-site interviews. Select roles will receive same-day offers and sign-on bonuses. Cal Poly offers competitive salaries and exceptional benefits. Visit for more information.
ITS Service Desk Extends Hours to Sundays
The ITS Service Desk is offering expanded phone and virtual tech support. In addition to weekday hours, Sunday tech support is available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Service Desk provides in-person support in Kennedy Library’s Hub24, as well as phone and virtual support from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Service Desk will not offer Sunday support on holiday weekends, however. To request assistance, create a request online via Support center, or call ext. 6-7000.
Recreation Center Alters Hours for Winter
The Cal Poly Recreation Center has shifted to more seasonally appropriate hours for the remainder of fall quarter and into the December holiday break. The change took effect Nov. 15. For complete hours of operation and additional information, visit the ASI facility hours resource page.
Cal Poly Symphony to Host Pianist Tanya Gabrielian for Residency and Concert Dec. 1-3
The Cal Poly Symphony will host pianist Tanya Gabrielian for a three-day residency that will include discussions and performances. Passionate about community engagement, education and activism through art, Gabrielian has collaborated with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in programs highlighting the stigma around mental health issues and has worked with other artists in multidisciplinary projects that have earned her international recognition. She will lead a panel discussion titled “Art, Creativity and Mental Wellness” with local NAMI representatives and music therapy professionals at 8:10 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1. At 11:10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 2, Gabrielian will present “Music and Activism” to discuss the ways in which she has combined a career as a solo pianist with her advocacy for mental health awareness, social justice and wellness. The events are free and will be in Room 218 of the Davidson Music Center. At 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, the symphony will perform a concert titled “Gabrielian Plays Shostakovich,” in the Performing Arts Center. Composers with mental illness will be featured: Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Robert Schumann, and Dmitri Shostakovich. The performance will culminate with Gabrielian's performance of Shostakovich’s Piano Concerto No. 2. Tickets for the concert are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website or call ext. 6-2406.
Get an Insider’s Look at New Learn by Doing Spaces on Campus
Go behind the scenes of the new JUSTIN and J.LOHR Center for Wine and Viticulture in the next episode of Insights and Impact: An Alumni Speaker Series, happening virtually at noon Thursday, Dec. 2. This academic year, Insights and Impact will focus on the ways alumni are transforming campus through new facilities that will make an impact on the lives of students for years to come. Get the latest look at new facilities on campus, and hear directly from the alumni, staff and students behind the projects.
Cal Poly Choirs to Present Fifth Annual ‘Holiday Kaleidoscope’ on Dec. 4
The Cal Poly Choirs will be back live and in person with the fifth annual “Holiday Kaleidoscope” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 4, in the Performing Arts Center. The four choirs will be joined by the Cabrillo High School Madrigal Singers, directed by Cal Poly alumna Jennifer Peterson (Music, ‘95), and the San Luis Obispo High School Chamber Choir directed by Rick Robbins. The groups will each perform a short selection of repertoire, then unite for some larger works. Among the concert highlights will be the Cal Poly Chamber Choir’s world premiere of faculty member Meredith Brammeier’s setting of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas,” and the Cal Poly Women’s Chorus will present a portion of the program it plans to perform for the California All-State Music Education Conference in February. The group is one of only two college choirs invited to perform. Tickets for the concert are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website or call ext. 6-2406.
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at
Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around our campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and include events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting the new Cal Poly Now.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Per current guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for outdoor events at 100% capacity with face masks recommended but not required. Indoor events also will be at 100% capacity with attendees required by the California Department of Public Health to provide proof of full COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test taken up to 72 hours prior to the event. These guidelines may be revisited as necessary. Tickets for men's and women's basketball and wrestling games can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center, and online.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Thursday, Dec. 2
Women's Basketball vs. Nevada, Mott Athletics Center, 11 a.m.
Saturday, Dec. 4
Women's Basketball vs. Denver, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 21
Women's Basketball vs. California Baptist, Mott Athletics Center, 1 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 30
Men's Basketball vs. Long Beach State, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 1
Men's Basketball vs. Cal State Fullerton, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 6
Women's Basketball vs. UC Santa Barbara, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m
Friday, Jan. 7
Wrestling vs. Northern Colorado, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 8
Swimming and Diving vs. CSU Bakersfield, Anderson Aquatic Center, 1 p.m.
Women's Basketball vs. CSUN, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#506906 — Groundsworker Trainee — Administration and Finance — Landscape Services. $2,912-$4,077 per month. Anticipated hiring salary: $2,912 per month. Open until filled.
#507035 — Career Counselor (Student Services Professional II) — Student Affairs — Career Services. $4,304-$6,120 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $4,271-$4,700 per month. Open until filled.
#507041 — Learning Technology Specialist — Employee and Organization Development (Administrative Analyst/ Specialist 12 Months) — University Personnel. $4,693-$8,489 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $ 6,250-$7,500 per month. Open until filled.
#507199 — Department Administrative Coordinator — Psychology and Child Development (Administrative Support Coordinator 11/12 Months) — Academic Affairs. $2,809-$4,719 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $ 2,284-$2,934 per month. Open until filled.
#507032 — Personnel Analyst — College of Science and Mathematics Financial Aid Technician (Administrative Analyst/ Specialist 12 Months) — Academic Affairs — Deans Office. $3,288- $7,051 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $4,000-$5,400 per month. Open until filled.
#505112 — Administrative Coordinator — School of Education (Administrative Support Coordinator 12 Months) — Academic Affairs. $3,064- $5,147 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $3,115-$4,000 per month. Open until filled.
#507195 — Administrative Support Assistant — Political Science (Administrative Support Assistant 11/12 Months) — Academic Affairs. $2,669-$4,209 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $ 3,115-$3,392 per month. Open until filled.
#507194 — Administrative Support Coordinator — Theatre and Dance (Administrative Support Coordinator 11/12 Months) Academic Affairs. $2,809-$4,719 per month. Anticipated hiring range: $2,855-$3,667 per month. Open until filled.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Visit for current openings, further information and how to apply. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
There are no new listings this week.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
There are no new listings this week.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Visit the Work For ASI webpage for a full listing of available positions and to apply. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
There are no new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication.