Hispanic-Serving Institution Task Force Launched
The Cal Poly Hispanic-Serving Institute (HSI) Task Force has launched, bringing the expansive and intersectional experiences of the Latinx community to the forefront of the university's mission. The Office of University Diversity and Inclusion launched the Hispanic-Serving Institute Task Force in 2022, taking a significant step toward Cal Poly's goal of becoming a designated HSI. The task force will lead the way in developing recommendations to holistically serve the Latinx community and engage with students, faculty and staff throughout the year regarding Cal Poly's HSI status. Cal Poly strives to be a leading polytechnic institution that enhances student success by creating a culturally rich environment of diversity and inclusion. The HSI designation is awarded to colleges and universities with a Hispanic/Latinx enrollment of 25% or more. For Cal Poly, becoming an HSI is more than just meeting a numerical quota, it is about being an institution that equitably yields, retains and graduates Latinx students, with a culture in which the educational and racial/ethnic experience of Latinx students is robust, and where Latinx students, staff and faculty are holistically empowered to fulfill their unlimited potential.
Discover more about the HSI Task Force
Cal Poly Tax Clinics Offer Tax Tips to Help Maximize Your Return and Avoid Trouble
The Cal Poly Volunteer Tax Assistance Program (VITA) offers free tax help to qualifying taxpayers with $60,000 or less of gross income while the Low Income Tax Clinic (LITC) helps low-income residents involved in tax controversies year-round. “The clinics represent a great opportunity for students to gain valuable accounting experience while helping members of the community,” said VITA director Trish Daughtrey. Charitable donations and contributions to your 401(k) can help you at tax time. However, to avoid an unwelcome letter from the IRS, you might want to do a little research before you write off that home office. As W2 forms arrive, this is a good time to think about ways to maximize your tax refund or minimize your burden. With that in mind, staff from Cal Poly’s two tax clinics offer their Top Ten Tax Tips.
Steven Canals to Headline 21st Annual Change the Status Quo Lecture Series on Feb. 23
Steven Canals, the Emmy-nominated and Peabody Award-winning co-creator, executive producer, director and writer of the FX drama series “Pose,” will deliver a moderated discussion at the 21st annual Change the Status Quo Social Justice and Service Lecture Series at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in the Performing Arts Center Miossi Hall. A groundbreaking queer, Afro Latinx creator, Canals recently signed his first deal with 20th Century TV and is developing projects that represent diverse and inclusive voices, and stories of historically marginalized communities. The discussion will be followed by time for Q&A. The Center for Service in Action’s annual event aims to empower students to use the Learn by Doing spirit to challenge social norms, ask critical questions, demand solutions and make lasting social change. Admission is free to all students, staff and faculty.
Go Behind the Scenes with Cal Poly Magazine
In the latest issue, peek into the enterprise courses where students make beloved Cal Poly products — wine, meats, cheeses, sauces and specialty flowers — throughout the year. Follow multifaceted faculty projects that help farmers manage water usage in the San Joaquin Valley, connect communities worldwide through art and track the evolution of cryptocurrency. Explore more stories about student research, an innovative biomedical engineering course and alumni working in everything from tech to toy design. Find these stories, photo galleries and feature videos on the Cal Poly Magazine website. Take a moment to subscribe to future issues of the magazine in print or via email.
Get Involved in CSU Chancellor Search in February
The campus community is invited to participate in the search for the ninth chancellor of the CSU system. Three open forums will take place in early February, each with a virtual option. These forums will serve as a chance to speak directly to members of the committees that are guiding a comprehensive and inclusive recruitment. Participants are encouraged to weigh in on the CSU priorities that are most important to them, such as inclusive excellence, workforce preparation, enrollment, educational equity or academic programming. Attendees can Zoom with advance registration or watch the livestream of the sessions. The two remaining forums will be held:
- Feb. 8, noon to 2 p.m., California State University, Bakersfield. Register for virtual public comment.
- Feb. 9, noon to 2 p.m., San Francisco State University. Register for virtual public comment.
Support Mustangs Struggling with Food Insecurity through Feed Cal Poly
Feed Cal Poly makes it easy for all faculty, staff, students and supporters to donate to Mustangs in need. Food insecurity is a very real and persistent problem on campus. Support of the Cal Poly Basic Needs Initiative through donations to Feed Cal Poly helps ensure all Mustangs have access to the resources they need to succeed. The Feed Cal Poly website makes donating quick, easy and accessible, with no limit on donation size. Simply login and follow the steps. Students with dining memberships also have the option to donate unused dining dollars through the Mustang Meal Share Program. All donors will receive a receipt for tax purposes. Watch for the Feed Cal Poly tent at events throughout campus for more ways to get involved and support fellow Mustangs.
Seventh Annual Social Justice Teach In to be Held Feb. 9
On Thursday, Feb. 9, join the College of Liberal Arts and the Office of University Diversity and Inclusion as they host the seventh annual Social Justice Teach In, a daylong series of talks and workshops centered around equity and social justice, designed to inform and inspire. All are welcome at these virtual and in-person events featuring presentations from students, staff, faculty and community leaders. Over 40 sessions will be available to choose from in five different tracks focused on specific topics to help attendees find sessions to match their interests: pathways to Hispanic-serving institutions; diversity, equity and inclusion in engineering; reproductive justice; pop culture and media; and restorative justice: beyond incarceration. The day will culminate with Stanford University Professor of Psychology Claude M. Steele presenting his keynote address titled “Stereotype Threat and Identity Threat: The Science of a Diverse Community.” Visit the CLA Website for the full schedule and registration.
Faculty and Staff Housing Listening Sessions Set for Feb. 15-16
Cal Poly Corporation invites the campus community to attend upcoming listening sessions on the faculty and staff housing project at Slack Street and Grand Avenue. The project is progressing — conceptual designs are complete, and construction is expected to start in 2023. The project will include 200 units, with 150 multi-family units available to rent and 50 single-family units for sale. Now, more faculty and staff input is needed. Five listening sessions will be held on Feb. 15 and 16 at the Cal Poly Corporation Building (No. 15). Those interested in participating in a listening session can register below:
- Feb. 15, 12:10 - 1 p.m.
- Feb. 15, 1:10 - 2 p.m.
- Feb. 15, 2:10 – 3 p.m.
- Feb. 16, 9:10 - 10 a.m.
- Feb. 16, 12:10 - 1 p.m.
CPC thanks the campus community for its time, energy and interest in sharing input about faculty and staff housing needs.
RSVP by Feb. 24 for Annual Service Awards
State, Corporation and ASI employees with milestone service anniversaries in 2022 will be honored at the Annual Service Awards ceremony at 2:30 p.m. Thursday, March 9, in the Performing Arts Center Miossi Hall, followed by a reception in the Performing Arts Center Main Lobby. Appetizers will be served. View the program for a complete listing of awardees. All attendees are required to RSVP by Friday, Feb. 24. There is no cost to attend the ceremony or reception. All award recipients will receive an email with a link to RSVP. Contact the committee chair for additional information at
Business Professor Says Super Bowl Ads Will Contribute to Growing U.S. Obesity Problem
While television audiences eagerly await the funny, creative and memorable commercials set to air during Sunday’s Super Bowl, those ads are also likely to exacerbate the nation's worsening obesity epidemic, said a business professor. “There are plenty of experimental studies showing these ads are affecting people and actually causing people to consume more unhealthy food,” said Brennan Davis, a marketing professor in the Orfalea College of Business who has researched the impact of marketing on obesity. “And we know that eating unhealthy food leads to higher rates of overweight and obesity.” For TV commercials, the Super Bowl represents a golden opportunity to reach massive audiences.
Student Success
Student Serves Home District on Capitol Hill
In the fall, history major Ethan Gutterman headed to Washington to work in the office of Congressmember Brad Sherman as Cal Poly’s 2022 representative to the Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program. Gutterman, who was selected for the program earlier in the year, made history as the first Cal Poly Scholar to be chosen for the prestigious opportunity. In addition to leading tours of the Capitol Building and taking phone calls from constituents, Gutterman was able to work on briefings and research related to Sherman’s position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Sherman’s priorities aligned well with Gutterman’s interests in foreign affairs and regulation of cryptocurrency, he said. “I appreciated how much the congressmember and his staff focused on the needs and feelings of his constituents during these events that the whole world was watching — when talking about these issues, the first question was always, 'How do people in the district feel about this?'”
Read the full story on Cal Poly News
Students Help Community Recover After Storms
After a powerful winter storm delayed the start of winter quarter and caused mudslides, flooding and property loss around San Luis Obispo County, students in the inaugural cohort of the #CaliforniansForAll College Corps program assisted with cleanup efforts. More than a dozen students helped residents in the Vista Court community in Los Osos clean up their homes after they were damaged in mudslides. Students in the program also pitched in with general clean-up and restoration efforts at First Fruits Farm and the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden. “Our students are members of this community too, so when they saw other local residents in need, they decided to step up and help,” said Allison Priola, program manager for Cal Poly’s AmeriCorps Programs. “It’s been a rewarding and humbling experience to see them roll up their sleeves and help their community members — including some who are elderly — by cleaning up mud and other debris that flooded their residences. It’s times like these when you see the best in others, and I’m proud of the way our students responded.”
Cal Poly Honors Program Student Newsletter Wins National Competition
The Cal Poly Honors Program student newsletter won first place in the 2022 National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC) competition. The award was announced at the NCHC conference in Dallas in November 2022. The Honors newsletter is a student newsletter released twice per year and features a variety of student created articles and photographs. Started in 2015, the newsletter has won several awards from the NCHC in the student-run electronic division, placing for seven consecutive years and taking home first place in 2018, 2019, 2021 and again this year. The fall 2021 newsletter team, pictured at left, includes in the top row, Claire Newman, Taylor Tran and Shreya Hambir; in the bottom row, Corrine Nepaial, Kayla Itagaki and Ashley Pagsibigan. Not pictured is Ashley Miller. The spring 2022 newsletter team includes, in the top row, Katrina Loye, Kayla Itagaki and Jacob Kwong; in the bottom row, Ana Cisneros, Sarah Sykora and Marisa Leung. Not pictured is Cayley O'Brien.
Read the award-winning newsletter
Submissions Welcome for Outstanding Student Employee Recognition
National Student Employment Week is April 4-10. The Outstanding Student Employee of the Year Committee invites faculty and staff to nominate an outstanding student employee to be recognized for their contributions. One outstanding Student Employee of the Year and two runners up will be selected from the nominations and invited to a special lunch in their honor. The committee has simplified the nominating process by requiring a one-page submission letter highlighting the student’s accomplishments. All student employees are eligible for consideration. Faculty and staff may nominate more than one student and may find the NACE core competencies fact sheet useful to assist with submissions. Recognition letters, preferably on department letterhead, are due to Financial Aid ( or by Friday, Feb. 24. Questions? Contact Barbara Rollins at
Applications Open for Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program
Applications are now being accepted for the 2023 Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program in Washington D.C. Matriculating third- or fourth-year students from any major that meet the program requirements are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is Monday, Feb. 27. This prestigious Learn by Doing experience provides an opportunity for students to enhance their education by providing encouragement in the exploration of Congress, civil leadership and community and public service. Once selected, students participate in a two-week training session in August at the Panetta Institute, followed by 11 weeks in Washington, D.C., working in a Capitol Hill office of a California congressional delegation member. The cost of the program is fully funded to allow participation by any qualified student, independent of family income.
Faculty and Staff
United by Excellence Event Hosts High School Scholars
Strategic Enrollment Management’s (SEM) admissions and recruitment team hosted over 450 high school scholars involved in clubs or programs that support and reaffirm Black excellence, education and culture at the United by Excellence event Feb. 3. Students visited Cal Poly from 11 partnering high school districts to participate in the college readiness conference dedicated to instilling and affirming college-going culture and increasing higher education student preparation experiences for historically underserved and underrepresented student populations. In addition to attending Learn by Doing workshops hosted by all six academic colleges, participants toured campus, networked with the campus community and affinity groups and attended one of eight faculty-facilitated discussions related to social justice and equity.
New Workers’ Compensation Contact for State Employees
Christina Juarez, Facilities Management and Development’s Environmental Health and Safety supervisor, will now serve as the point of contact for work assignments related to Workers’ Compensation. Kathryn Villarreal, who played an integral role in helping employees file and track worker’s compensation claims, completing ergonomic reviews and workshops and processing COVID-19 notifications, retired Jan. 31. A search for her replacement is underway. In the interim, Juarez can be reached by email at and by phone at 805-440-1392.
RSVP Now for the Chancellor’s Office CSUBUY Roadshow
The CSUBUY Project Team will host a roadshow at Cal Poly on Wednesday, Feb. 15, in UU 220 to provide a first look at the CSUBUY Procure-to-Pay application — a streamlined automated platform that gives employees a straightforward way to purchase goods and services and covers every step from requisition to payment — and to meet the team. Staff who have received invitation to sessions covering specific topics for operational teams, campus users and fiscal approvers need to RSVP by Wednesday, Feb. 13. An RSVP link is included in the email invitation. A Town Hall meeting will be held from 12:30-1:30 p.m. is open to anyone who would like to ask questions. Attendees will be also able to see the application in its most configured state thus far and learn what the change will mean for them. Visit the CSUBUY website for more information or contact Strategic Business Services at ext. 6-2232.
Nominations Sought for 2023-24 STEM-NET Faculty Fellow Position
Cal Poly is currently accepting nominations for the 2023-24 STEM-NET faculty fellow position. One faculty member will be put forward for consideration by the CSU STEM-NET Steering Committee. The program provides a summer 2023 stipend of $5,000 and three semester units of assigned time to be used in 2023-24. It is designed to support a faculty fellow to work collaboratively to develop and submit targeted STEM-based proposals; develop educational- and research-based grants with fellow faculty; and help promote a culture of scholarship on campus. Nominees must be a tenure-track or tenured faculty member with a disciplinary association with science, technology, engineering or math and who are active disciplinary and/or pedagogical scholars. The internal deadline for self-nominations is 8 a.m. Monday, Feb. 27. If nominating another individual, nominations are requested by 8 a.m. Monday, Feb. 20, so that the person nominated has time to respond by the Feb. 27 deadline. Contact Jane Lehr at with any questions.
Learn more and find the nomination form
New CSU’s Got Talent Webcasts Announced for 2023
Employee and Organization Development is sharing the 2023 lineup of CSU’s Got Talent webcasts for all faculty, staff and student employees. CSU Learning and Development presents a series of live, online webcasts every month specially designed for the CSU community that feature innovative and essential training for professional and personal success. These free webcasts are led by influential industry leaders closely tied to the CSU campuses, including professional coaches, educators, CEOs, community organizers and psychologists. The 2023 offerings include:
- Stick With It: A Scientifically Proven Process for Changing Your Life — For Good
- Overcoming Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence
- Best Team Ever: The Surprising Science of High-Performing Team
- How to Achieve: Peak Productivity Through Strategic Self-care
- The Secret to Getting Along: Three Steps to Creating Better Teams
- Manage Conflict So It Doesn't Manage You: Effective Methods to Reach Positive Outcomes
- Know No Limits: Achieving Successful Change Inevitably Means Overcoming Obstacles
- Psychological Safety: The Key to a Collaborative and Healthy Hybrid Workplace
- Career Management: Being the CEO of Your Life
- Unstoppable Resilience: Avoiding Burnout and Discovering How to Flourish Instead
Miss a webcast? View previous CSU’s Got Talent recordings on the Learning Hub.
Safer to Host Action Planning Workshop for Staff and Faculty on Feb. 22
Safer wants to help faculty and staff members grow as leaders in gender- and power-based violence prevention through its two-hour Safer Action Planning Workshop. Participants will delve into the root causes of gender- and power-based violence and explore risk and protective factors for sexual violence perpetration. Participants will create individual plans of how to integrate violence prevention activities into their specific position on campus.
Redeem Expired One-Day Sponsored Guest Permits
With the transition to license plate recognition (LPR) technology, Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) is no longer issuing physical one-day sponsored guest permits. If a department still has inventory of one-day sponsored guest permits, TAPS will exchange physical permits for Sponsored Guest codes. Sponsored guest codes can be conveniently redeemed by a department’s guests at parking pay stations located throughout campus. In order to make this exchange, bring expired permits to the Public Safety Reception Center, located in Building 36. The hours of operations of the Reception Center are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments can also be made online. The deadline to make this exchange is June 30. For more information or to ask questions, email or call ext. 6-6455.
University Advising/Retention Team Launches Website
The University Advising/Retention team has launched its new website, Developed out of Cal Poly’s Graduation Initiative 2025, the retention team focuses on eliminating equity gaps by identifying and removing barriers to student retention, re-enrollment and graduation. Retention specialists provide time-sensitive support to students who are taking time off through the Informal Time Off, Leave of Absence and Active Not Enrolled processes, mitigating potential hurdles to re-enrollment. As part of the Cal Poly advising community, the retention team facilitates use of data to prioritize proactive advising, identifies college-specific barriers to retention/graduation and reviews policies to advocate for change.
Proposals for Continuing Instructionally Related Activities Due March 3
The Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee has announced the call for proposals for the 2023-24 fiscal year for any activities seeking continued recognition and funding. Proposals for continuing IRAs are due March 3. An instructionally related activity (IRA) is an extracurricular "out-of-class experience" that provides enrichment to students and enhances their learning. Note that IRA funds cannot be used to fund specific projects or field trips as part of an academic course. Requests for funding typically exceed the available funds, so recognition as an IRA is no guarantee of funding. Forms, instructions, videos and other information can be found at Contact Jessica Carson at with questions or for assistance with proposals.
Cal Poly Preschool Learning Lab to Offer a Summer Program
The Cal Poly Preschool Learning Lab will offer a new summer program from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 19-Aug. 31. Faculty and staff will receive first priority and will be automatically enrolled into the regular fall 2023 academic year program if their children are continuing in preschool (i.e., not going to transitional kindergarten or kindergarten). To be eligible, children must be 3 years old by June 19 and fully potty-trained. Limited spaces are available. Add your child to the waiting list by submitting the application form to the Psychology and Child Development Department office. Application fees will be collected if a space is offered and accepted. Tuition rates will be available in late March. Questions can be directed via email to Director Patty Clarkson at
University Personnel Offers Well-Being Workshops in February and March
University Personnel has worked with Cal Poly’s employee assistance program, LifeMatters, to offer synchronous well-being workshops. They include:
- Managing Multiple Priorities: How do you prioritize the many tasks demanding your attention? In this session you will learn practical strategies for planning your time, prioritizing tasks, organizing and managing workload. Feb. 23 at 3 p.m.
- Assertive Communication: Improve your understanding of effective communication styles. Join Jessica Coats to learn about four styles of interpersonal behavior, assertive versus aggressive communication, self-esteem, addressing conflict, setting boundaries, and tips for effective workplace communication. March 28 at 11 a.m.
Contact Lisa Gray at for more information on well-being workshops.
New Winter Learning Circles for Employees
Employee and Organization Development has announced the winter 2023 Learning Circles, where participants can engage in enriching conversations and connect with peers across campus. Learning Circles involve watching a video, listening to a podcast or reading an article and participating in a discussion during a single session. They include:
- “Wellbeing: Gratitude” by Hailey Bartholomew: Listen to the speaker’s experience developing a gratitude practice, how it changed her perspective and the benefits of gratitude.
- “Brené Brown on Empathy” by Brené Brown: Explore how empathy fuels connection and how to best be there for others in your professional and personal life.
After 27 years of service, Judy Holloway, senior operations analyst for equity and transitions, will retire on Feb. 13. Holloway’s journey began in May 1996 as the payroll supervisor for Cal Poly Corporation, followed by a position in the Student Accounts Office. She was selected to be on the CMS (content management system) implementation team, working with Admissions, Financial Aid, Evaluations, and the Registrar’s Office. Holloway joined Student Affairs in 2013 and has spent the past 10 years proudly serving and promoting programs such as Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), TRIO Achievers, Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search, Disability Resource Center, Career Services, New Student and Transition Programs, Dream Center, Academic Skills Center, Black Academic Excellence Center, Center for Military Connected Students and Cal Poly Scholars. She has been an invaluable champion for students and their success. “I love the students we serve,” Holloway said. “They have brought me immense joy. What I love most about my position is working with a diverse population; I am humbled and proud to have served them.” In retirement, Holloway will travel frequently to North Carolina to visit her daughter, Tana, her son-in-law and two beautiful granddaughters. Holloway’s son, Van, lives locally, so she and her husband will also vacation with him. She’s also looking forward to spending time with her loving husband of 36 years. A farewell reception will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, in the Advanced Technology Laboratories.
Campus Announcements
Feedback Sought on Inclusive Restrooms
Cal Poly is committed to ensuring that everyone on campus feels safe and included. Based on a public listening session hosted Jan. 24 by the Office of the Dean of Students, College of Liberal Arts and Facilities, the participants agreed to move forward with removing gendered signage from multi-stall restrooms and replacing it with fully inclusive signage in the Dexter Building (No. 34), Rooms 136 and 139. A follow-up listening session will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in Kennedy Library, Room 209. Faculty and staff are invited to share their experience using the restrooms in the Dexter Building (either Room 136 or 139) by taking a quick, anonymous survey. Survey results will be used to make informed decisions about future all-gender multi-stall bathroom conversions. Anyone with questions or concerns can reach out to Dean of Students Joy Pedersen at
Cal Poly Crowdfunding is Back
Cal Poly Crowdfunding is now accepting applications for spring fundraising campaigns. Crowdfunding taps into the power of crowds by asking for smaller gifts from many supporters. At Cal Poly, crowdfunding provides a platform for Cal Poly-affiliated clubs, programs, departments and organizations to raise money for various expenses, from travel to new equipment, event funds and more. Applications for spring are live now through Feb. 28. Campaigns chosen for the spring launch will go live March 30 and run through the end of April. Visit for more information and to apply. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming crowdfunding opportunities and deadlines for the 2023-24 school year.
Get a Taste of the World on Feb. 15
The International Center will host Taste of the World 2023 from 1 to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15, in the Agricultural Sciences Building (No. 11) courtyard (near Campus Market). This free event will feature international cuisine from all over the world and is open to all. The food will be prepared by students taking FSN 344: Foodservice Operations II from lecturer Lenea Pollet in the Food Science and Nutrition Department, with support provided by Erin Foote, instructional support technician for the department.
Watch the 2022 A Taste of the World video
Poly Trekker Program Update
Beginning summer 2023, the Orfalea Family and ASI Children’s Center will no longer offer the Poly Trekkers summer program. They have enjoyed providing summer adventures for the San Luis Obispo school-aged community over the years and appreciate the families that have participated. The Children’s Center will remain open during the summer with a focus on providing year-round early childhood care and education (ages 4 months to 5 years) to the campus community. For more information regarding general enrollment at the Children’s Center, visit the ASI website.
Campus Dining Celebrates Kindness with National ‘Delight-Ful’ Event
On Wednesday, Feb. 15, Campus Dining will join more than 300 college campuses in hosting a “Delight-Ful” event to recognize and celebrate the community and the importance of goodwill on campus. The event will feature Louisiana-style fare courtesy of Chef Jarvis Greene, a former New England Patriots defensive lineman and two-time Super Bowl champion; live music; free samples from Cal Poly vendors; a photo booth; giveaways and much more. Come by Campus Market between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Learn more about "Delight-Ful"
Faculty and Staff Can Renew Their Passport on Campus Feb. 28
The Cal Poly International Center is partnering with FIE: The Foundation for International Education and all six colleges to offer its second Passport Event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, at the Advanced Technology Laboratories Keck Lab (No. 7, Room 2). One hundred students will be able to get their first passport. In addition, the U.S. Postal Service will be able to process up to 40 U.S. passport renewals for faculty and staff. Interested employees should fill out a brief form by Feb. 10. Once available, the International Center will share a link to the USPS reservation webpage to schedule an appointment on a first-come basis.
Biology Department Hosts ‘Evolution Month’ Events in February
The Biology Department is holding its third annual Evolution Month featuring a series of speaker seminars and a culminating event. The series kicked off Feb. 3 and will continue through the month. Events include:
- On Feb. 10, distinguished marine biologist Rick Grosberg from UC Davis will present “Young Darwin and the Sea Fisher” about the making of an evolutionist.
- On Feb. 17, distinguished evolutionary biologist David Reznick from UC Riverside will host “Evolution and Genetics” about how Darwin got the right answer about evolution without understanding genetics.
- On Feb. 24, eminent California botanist Bruce Baldwin from UC Berkeley will present “California’s Flora” on the state’s diverse plant life.
Each speaker event will be held at 3:10 p.m. in Fisher Science Hall (No. 33), Room 286. The final event will be an exploration of plant evolution in the new Plant Conservatory (No. 72) at 10 a.m. Feb. 25.
Dance Company Brings ‘An Untitled Love’ to the PAC Feb. 9
Cal Poly Arts presents dance company A.I.M, founded by choreographer Kyle Abraham, performing their new work, “An Untitled Love,” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 9, in Harold Miossi Hall. “An Untitled Love” draws from the catalog of Grammy-winning R&B legend D’Angelo. This creative exaltation pays homage to the complexities of self-love and Black love, while serving as a thumping mixtape celebrating culture, family and community. A.I.M is a Black-led contemporary dance company that provides multifaceted performances, educational programming and community-based workshops. Abraham has choreographed for the New York City Ballet, NYCB dancer Wendy Whelan, Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and more. A 20% faculty and staff discount is available for this event.
Get tickets to “An Untitled Love”
Cal Poly to Present Free ‘Night of Chamber Music’ Feb. 10
Several of Cal Poly’s finest student music ensembles will perform traditional and contemporary chamber music at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 10, in Spanos Theatre on campus. “A Night of Chamber Music” will feature student performers from a variety of majors. All are involved in at least one of the department’s large, premier ensembles, which include Cal Poly’s Arab Music Ensemble, Choirs, Symphony, University Jazz Bands, Wind Orchestra and Wind Ensemble. This annual event has long been a favorite of student performers and audiences alike. For more information on the free concert, visit the Music Department calendar website or call ext. 6-2406.
CLA Presents Writers at Work Events Feb. 16 and 28
The campus community is invited to two free, upcoming Writers at Work events hosted by the College of Liberal Arts and the English Department. A virtual reading with poet Chen Chen, at left in photo, will be held 2:10 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, on Zoom. Chen authored “Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency” and “When I Grow Up, I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities,” which was longlisted for the National Book Award and won the Thom Gunn Award, among other honors. He has received two Pushcart Prizes and fellowships from Kundiman, the National Endowment for the Arts, and United States Artists. Registration is required. At 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 28, in-person poetry readings will be held with English Professor Emeritus Kevin Clark and author Marsha de la O in the Science North Building (No. 53), Room 215. Clark is a recipient of the Pleiades Press Prize and authored “The Consecrations,” and two other books of poetry. de la O is the author of three books of poetry: “Every Ravening Thing,” “Antidote for Night,” and “Black Hope.” She has received fellowships and awards including the Isabella Gardner Award, the New Issues Press Poetry Prize, and the Morton Marcus Poetry Award.
Take a Linguistic Journey with Italian Writer, Translator Marino Magliani on Feb. 16
The World Languages and Cultures Department and the School of Education invite the campus community to a presentation by Italian writer and translator Marino Magliani from 4-5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 16, in the Dexter Building (No. 34), Room 117. In “The Art of Translation: A Linguistic Journey from the Source to the Delta,” Magliani will weave together a transnational experience of literature, geography and ecology, exploring what happens when words are translated from one language into another. He will accompany us on a journey from Liguria — a region celebrated by artists for its beauty, though constantly torn by avalanches and landslides — to Zeewijk, on the Dutch coast, a land of sand perennially afflicted by wind erosion. For more information, contact Spanish Professor Karen Muñoz-Christian at
Cal Poly Winter Jazz Concert on Feb. 24 to Feature Cuesta College’s Voce
The Winter Jazz Concert will feature guest ensemble Voce, Cuesta College’s vocal jazz group, and world premieres from the Cal Poly jazz program at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in the Performing Arts Center. Cal Poly’s Jazz Ensemble, Vocal Jazz Ensemble (MOSAIC) and Voce will perform works by Thad Jones, Duke Ellington, John Beasley, KNOWER and others. Voce, led by John Knutson, has performed at the American Choral Directors Association National Convention, the Montreux Jazz Festival and the International Association for Jazz Education Convention. Three big band charts will have world premieres: “New Day” by music major Wyatt Willard is an adventurous, odd-metered composition; “Inundación” by mechanical engineering major Bryce Yuen is inspired by salsa music; and “Bishop Peak” by Director of Jazz Studies Arthur White. The groups will combine for the final number, White’s arrangement of the New York Voices’ “Do You Wanna Know What I Want.” Tickets are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website or call ext. 6-2406.
University Art Gallery to Exhibit ‘Somewhere Else’ Through March 10
University Art Gallery will present the photography of lecturer Chen Tianqiutao in an exhibit, “Somewhere Else,” through March 10 in the University Art Gallery, located on the ground floor of the Dexter Building (No. 34). “Somewhere Else” comprises three bodies of work interrogating thematic concepts surrounding social and cultural issues and human feelings and relationships. Tianqiutao’s work has been internationally exhibited, and his photobook “The Last Post” won the Lucie Photo Book Prize for the Independent Publishing Category and was shortlisted for the Images Vevey Book Award. Entry to the University Art Gallery is free and open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting the new Cal Poly Now.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Per current guidelines from the state and San Luis Obispo County Public Health, fans will be permitted for indoor and outdoor events at 100% capacity with face masks recommended but not required. These guidelines may be revisited as necessary. Tickets can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center, and online.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Thursday, Feb. 9
Women's Basketball vs. UC Irvine, Mott Athletics Center, 6 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 10
Men's Tennis vs. San Francisco, Mustang Courts, noon.
Softball vs. North Dakota, Bob Janssen Field, 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 11
Women's Basketball vs. CSUN, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m.
Softball vs. Nevada, Bob Janssen Field, 3 p.m.
Softball vs. North Dakota, Bob Janssen Field, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 12
Men's Tennis vs. Grand Canyon, Mustang Courts, noon.
Softball vs. Nevada, Bob Janssen Field, 2 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 15
Men's Basketball vs. CSU Bakersfield, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 17
Baseball vs. Missouri State, Baggett Stadium, 6 p.m.
Wrestling vs. Stanford, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 18
Women's Tennis vs. CSUN, Mustang Courts, 11 a.m.
Women's Basketball vs. Cal State Fullerton, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m.
Baseball vs. Missouri State, Baggett Stadium, 4 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 19
Men's Tennis vs. Boise State, Mustang Courts, 11 a.m.
Baseball vs. Missouri State, Baggett Stadium, 1 p.m.
Wrestling vs. Oregon State, Mott Athletics Center, 1 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 20
Men's Basketball vs. UC Irvine, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 21
Women's Tennis vs. San Francisco, Mustang Courts, 2 p.m.
Softball vs. Idaho State (DH), Bob Janssen Field, 3 and 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 22
Women's Tennis vs. Mississippi State, Mustang Courts, 2 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 25
Men's Basketball vs. UC Davis, Mott Athletics Center, 3 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 26
Men's Tennis vs. Oregon, Mustang Courts, 11 a.m.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#523768 — Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (Administrator IV) — Academic Affairs —Provost — Academic Affairs — Division. Anticipated hiring range: $225,000-$250,000 per year. Open until filled.
#523939 — Administrative Coordinator — Cal Poly Scholars (Administrative Support Coordinator) — Student Affairs — Student Affairs, Equity and Transition — Cal Poly Scholars. $44,172-$72,408 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $46,224-$60,348 per year. Open until filled.
#524236 — Instructional Support Technician — Mechanical Engineering (Instructional Support Technician II) — Academic Affairs-Provost — CENG — Mechanical Engineering. $50,160-$87,048 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $53,500-$69,550 per year. Open until filled.
#524454 — New Student and Transition Program Coordinator — Student Affairs (Student Services Professional II) — Student Affairs — Student Affairs, Equity and Transition — New Student and Transition Programs. $51,648-$73,400 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $55,344-$60,420 per year. Open until filled.
Internal-Only Job Posting:
#524204 — Event Coordinator — Office of the President (Confidential Office Support III)— President — President. $46,824-$83,844 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $65,000-$80,000 per year. Open until Feb. 15.
To find internally posted positions, start from the Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” All internally and externally posted positions appear there. For a full list of available jobs, go to
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Candidates are asked to visit to complete an application and apply for any of the positions shown below. Submit all requested application materials as attachments to your online application by the review begin date for full consideration. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
There are no new listings this week.
Part-Time Lecturer Pools – Pools are opening for 2022/23 academic year. Visit and search department of interest.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
Assistant Supervisor, Campus Dining, $18.22 to $27.33 per hour.
Cook, Campus Dining, $15.78 to $23.67 per hour.
Dishroom Associate, Campus Dining, $15.50 to $20.49 per hour.
Food Service Associate, Campus Dining, $15.50 to $20.49 per hour.
Lead Cook, Campus Dining, $18.22 to $27.33 per hour.
Warehouse Specialist, Campus Dining, $15.78 to $23.67 per hour.
Catering Assistant Supervisor, Campus Dining, $18.22 to $27.33 per hour.
Coffee Operations Food Service Associate, Campus Dining, $15.50 to $20.49 per hour.
Sous Chef, Campus Dining, $24.31 to $36.47 per hour.
Supervisor, Campus Dining, $21.05 to $31.57 per hour.
Farm Manager Bartleson Ranch, CAFES, $89,998.76 to $134,998.14 annually.
Research Assistant, KPH, $18.22 to $27.33 per hour.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Only new job listings are posted below. For a full list of available postings and to apply, visit the Work For ASI webpage. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
There are no new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication.