Concrete Canoe Team Wins Seventh National Title in 13 Years

17 Faculty Research Projects Funded Through RSCA Program
Aubrie Adams: 2022-23 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Awardee

Campus Invited to Annual BEACoN Research Symposium June 14

PAC Adds Scenic Mural as Part of Summer Spruce-up

Pardon the Dust: Summer Campus Construction to Get Underway

Sustainable Measures Enhance Commencement Experience

Student Success
Solar Regatta Club Has 'Epic' Finish at Golden State Competition

Faculty and Staff
Daniel Grassian Named Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Amanda Lathrop Appointed New Dean of Graduate Education

Campus Joins CSU Program to Mentor Future Faculty
Julie Garcia Named Faculty Director of Program Improvement

Sign-Up for the ‘Examining Whiteness’ Foundational Series

Faculty Tenure and Promotion Awards Announced
President Jeffrey D. Armstrong and Provost and Executive Vice President Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore announced the promotion of 59 faculty members and the award of tenure to 43 faculty members effective in the 2023-24 academic year. The promotions include 23 to the academic rank of professor and 36 to the rank of associate professor or associate librarian. Armstrong and Jackson-Elmoore extend their congratulations and appreciation to the faculty receiving promotion sand/or tenure.
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month

CTLT Offers Educators Summer Series of Workshops
The summer professional development offerings for campus educators (faculty and staff) from the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology is available to explore. Workshop titles include: Examining Whiteness, Writing in the Disciplines, Blended/hybrid Course Design and Assignment Design for Academic Integrity. There are also opportunities for academic writing support and on-demand resources for academic success. Additional workshops and events will be added soon.
Learn more and register for CTLT workshops and on-demand resources
Support Mustang Move-in September by Signing Up to Help Today
University Housing is seeking volunteer support to welcome more than 8,800 Mustangs to their campus homes in University Housing next fall. New first-year and transfer students move-in Thursday-Friday, Sept. 14-15. Continuing students move in Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 18-19. Volunteers greet student residents and their supporters, direct traffic, support check-in functions and collect green moving bins. Participants receive a $50 gift card to the University Store for each shift worked and a rewarding experience meeting and welcoming new students as they start their journey at Cal Poly. For more information, contact Michelle Castillo at or ext. 6-1567.
Sign up to volunteer at Mustang Move-in
South County Bound? Seats Available in Santa Maria/AG Vanpool
There are seats available on the Santa Maria/Arroyo Grande vanpool. This van runs Monday through Friday and accommodates a 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. work or school schedule. For specific information on the Santa Maria/Arroyo Grande vanpool, contact Sustainable Transportation Coordinator Colin Pollington at ext. 6-6680 or Transportation and Parking Services subsidizes employee vanpools to make them an extremely affordable option to commute to and from campus.
Preschool Learning Lab Offers Spaces for Upcoming Summer Program
The Preschool Learning Lab will offer a new summer program from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. June 26–Aug. 31, Monday through Friday. Faculty and staff will receive first priority and will be automatically enrolled into the regular fall 2023 academic year program if their children are continuing in preschool (i.e., not going to transitional kindergarten or kindergarten). To be eligible, children must be 3 years old by June 26 and fully potty-trained. A few spaces are still available. Fill out the application form or contact Director Patty Clarkson at for tuition rates and more information.
Campus Announcements
Summer Statistical Consulting Available to Campus by Appointment
Celebrate National Safety Month with EHS at Safety Fair June 22
New Summer Book Circles Continue for Employees
- “Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do” by Claude M. Steele. Examine racial and gender-based stereotypes, learn how negative stereotypes can diminish performance and discover techniques to mitigate "stereotype threats."
- “The Upside of Uncertainty: A Guide to Finding Possibility in the Unknown” by Nathan Furr and Susannah Harmon Furr. Gain the inspiration, tools and strategies needed to embrace uncertainty and thrive.
- “Atlas of the Heart” by Brené Brown: Explores 87 of the emotions and experiences that define what it means to be human. Learn about mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience.
For more details on the EOD book circles
Family Fun Days Return to the Recreation Center

Cal Poly Rec Center Offers Youth Swim Lessons; Register Today

Kennedy Library Transformation Project Adds New Temporary Study Locations
Cal Poly has added additional temporary locations for its library services and study spaces while the Kennedy Library building closes for a planned two-year transformation project. The building is scheduled to close for renovation in summer 2023, with the opening of the renovated building slated for fall 2025. While the library building is closed, the services and programs provided by the library will continue in other locations on campus. The temporary student study structures will have heating, electricity, charging stations, artificial grass carpeting, furniture and Wi-Fi.
Find more information and a map of the temporary locations
Advancing Inclusive Mentoring Program Eyes a Summer Start
Faculty, staff, postdoc and graduate students who mentor students participating in research, scholarly and creative activities are invited to participate in a free training program this summer. The Advancing Inclusive Mentoring (AIM) Program is co-led by the Office of Student Research; the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology (CTLT); the College of Engineering and College of Liberal Arts’ Summer Undergraduate Research/Creative Activity programs (SURPs); and the Empowering Autistic Scholars Program. Information on eligibility is provided on the RSVP form and in the CTLT Stipend Eligibility Policies document. A $300 stipend is available from the CTLT. The program runs in the first summer session, June 26-July 14, via a mix of asynchronous learning and Zoom-based discussions. (If not available during the first three weeks of the summer but interested in future offerings, RSVP to indicate interest). Contact with any questions.
Last Call: Art and Design BFA Exhibition ‘Yours Truly’ Ends June 17
The ”Yours Truly” exhibit continues through Saturday, June 17, in the University Art Gallery in the Dexter Building (No. 34). Enjoy a curated showcase of artworks created by 31 student artists from the Art and Design Department’s graduating class. The show is a retrospective of the work of graduating seniors and represents a variety of mediums. Stop by to see the work of these talented young artists.
Learn more and view the full list of featured artists
Event Postings is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
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Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting the new Cal Poly Now.
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