Summer Initiative Will Allow for Increased Enrollment While Helping Meet Campus, CSU Growth Goals
At the Sept. 18 Fall Convocation, President Armstrong announced the first phase of a new Year-Round Operation initiative aimed at increasing the university’s overall enrollment through greater utilization of the summer term. The new focus will provide increased opportunities for students to experience Learn by Doing while taking part in high-impact practices such as study abroad and internships. “Think of year-round operation as increasing students’ opportunities at Cal Poly by increasing availability of beds, labs and classrooms, by increasing attendance in the summer, and ultimately, by slightly lowering attendance during the fall, winter and spring terms,” Armstrong said. Under full implementation, the campus could see several thousand students taking part in summer term — a significant increase from traditional levels but not close to the on-campus enrollment of fall, winter or spring terms.
Read more about the announcement
Benefits Open Enrollment Is Underway; Sign up for Sept. 28 Virtual Benefits Fair
Benefits Open Enrollment, the annual opportunity to review, enroll, make changes or cancel health and voluntary plans effective January 2024, is open until Oct. 13. During this time, faculty and staff members can make changes to their medical, dental, vision, flexcash, dependent-care reimbursement account, healthcare reimbursement account and voluntary offerings. Open enrollment details are available on the Open Enrollment webpage. Register to attend the Virtual Benefits Fair from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28. At the fair, health plan and voluntary plan providers will present important information about rates, changes and key plan features and will answer questions regarding coverage options. Register to attend the Virtual Benefits Fair, which will feature an array of presenters, including Cal Poly representatives, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 28.
Register to attend the Virtual Benefits Fair
Mustang Shuttle Service Returns for School Year
Need a lift across campus? The popular Mustang Shuttle has returned for another academic year. This free on-campus shuttle, which resumed service Sept. 18, runs 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays with additional evening hours from 7 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. daily. Each daytime loop takes 30-45 minutes and offers pickup and drop-off at six stops, including the poultry, dairy, and wine and viticulture units, the PAC and Poly Canyon Village. New stops include O'Neill Green, on California Boulevard, and the Sports Complex off Sports Complex Road, north of the campus core. During the Kennedy Library transformational project, Mustang Shuttle library stops are in the H-11 parking lot, adjacent to the Erhart Agriculture Building (No. 10). Riding the shuttle is easy with the Mustang Shuttle app that allows users to track the shuttle locations and obtain accurate arrival times. The app is free in the Apple App Store and on Google Play. Mustang Shuttle operates in partnership with ASI, Housing, Cal Poly Corp., Transportation and Parking Services and is powered by SLO Safe Ride.
Learn more about Mustang Shuttle and see the full schedule online
PayByPhone App to Simplify On-Campus Parking Payments
Parking on campus just got easier with PayByPhone for Apple or Android. The popular PayByPhone mobile app will join the long-standing ParkMobile as the preferred ways to pay at all meters as well as some daily parking lots. Both are available in the App Store, Google Play and the Windows Store. The parking apps are simple, intuitive technology that offer a cashless way to pay. PayByPhone and ParkMobile notify users before parking sessions expire and offer the ability to extend time limits. Both apps are also used across the city of San Luis Obispo, meaning that they come in handy on and off campus. To learn more, visit Transportation and Parking Services.
Learn more about online-cashless parking permits
Campus Vanpool Group Wins Countywide Summer Clean Air Commuting Challenge
A Cal Poly vanpool group won the recent Summer Clean Air Challenge sponsored by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, or SLOCOG. The eight-week commuter challenge also promoted alternative modes of transportation to get around the county. Group No. 116, which includes faculty and staff who commute daily from Santa Maria and South County, proved to be the contest’s greenest riders. Members earned kudos for reducing the most carbon dioxide, from July 10 to Aug. 31, by using alternative modes on their commutes, work trips, lunch excursions or personal errands. Each winning team member can select from an array of outings, including Hearst Castle tickets, Light at Sensorio (east of Paso Robles), hot tubbing at Sycamore Mineral Springs, rounds of golf and others. Moreover, Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) will treat the victorious vanpoolers to a pizza lunch. The achievement reflects the commitment of the Cal Poly community to fostering sustainable transportation practices. TAPS provides vanpool services that align with the university’s environmental sustainability goals while making commuting more convenient for university commuters. Why not jump on the bandwagon! Reach out to Colin Pollington, sustainable transportation coordinator, at ext. 6-6680 or with questions regarding vanpool or alternative transportation. Cal Poly's winning vanpoolers include: Cole Benson; Maggie Cital; Josefa Corrales Lugo; Alma Gonzalez; Lucia Hernandez; Pedro Hernandez; Alberto Jimenez; Wendy Macdonald; Elizabeth Manriquez; Rich McPike; Nathan Padilla; Edgar Palacios; Elisabet Romero-Prokopiev; and Kristy Cutter-Rogers.
Student Success
Beating the Heat
Over the summer, an interdisciplinary group of students worked on a groundbreaking project: mapping California's tree canopy using geographic information systems, or GIS, and an AI deep-learning model. They're also writing a research paper to document their methodologies and share their discoveries with the world.
Nothing but the ‘Dairy’ Best
The Cal Poly Creamery is home to a delicious Learn by Doing experience: ice cream making. Students who work at the Creamery not only make ice cream, they also package it and sell it, both at their weekly drive-through and at local grocery stores. "I'm excited about the knowledge I'm gaining by doing this myself," said student worker Allison Lee, a fourth-year food science major.
Faculty and Staff
Disability Tapas Series Begins Sept. 21 with Faculty Session
The Disability Resource Center will kick off its quarterly Disability Tapas series with a session geared toward faculty — “Testing Agreement Q&A with K&A” — from 11:30 a.m. to noon Thursday, Sept. 21. Testing coordinators Keisha Cannon and Adrian Lindsey will give an overview of the DRC’s Accommodated Testing Services and guide instructors through the process of completing the testing agreement. Visit the Disability Tapas webpage to register and to learn about future Tapas sessions. Tapas’ fall schedule includes a mix of topics for faculty and students.
Register for the Sept. 21 session
Transfer Inclusivity Virtual Training for Staff and Faculty on Oct. 9
The Transfer Center will host a Staff and Faculty Transfer Inclusion Training from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 9, on Zoom. Register today! The training is focused on learning about Cal Poly’s transfer population, sharing research on practices for creating transfer-inclusive environments and discussing ways to create a transfer-friendly culture for these students. Check out the Supporting Transfer Students website for additional resources to create transfer-friendly websites and transfer-inclusive classrooms. Questions? Email Heather Domonoske at
Register for the Oct. 9 Zoom session
University Personnel Offers Well-being Workshops
University Personnel-Employee Wellbeing has worked with LifeMatters, Cal Poly’s employee assistance program, to offer synchronous well-being workshops in September and October. They include:
- Co-Worker Communication — Effective communication is essential to building and maintaining relationships and central to skillfully addressing disagreements and conflict in the workplace. Join this session to understand conflict and resolution, tips for eliminating defensive behavior, active listening and to learn problem-solving skills. Thursday, Sept. 21, at 10 a.m.
- Stress or Success: Thriving in a Chaotic World — Join this session to learn practical ideas on how to reduce stress right away as an overall lifestyle change. Learn causes of stress through understanding the art of resiliency, mindset and attitudes, habits and actions and connections and relationships. Wednesday, Oct. 18, at 2 p.m.
- Living to Work or Working to Live: Finding Life Balance — What is life balance? We need to let go of the idea that there will be a perfect balance between work and family. There are steps to take to bridge a gap between them. In this workshop, you will learn to identify your values, review barriers to life balance, review goal-setting and learn tips for life balance. Thursday, Oct. 26, at 2 p.m.
Email Lisa Gray for more information on well-being workshops.
Technology Transfer Virtual Info Session Set for Sept. 25
Cal Poly has hired TreMonti Consulting, LLC, a national leader in technology transfer practice and administration, to handle campus technology transfer office operations. The firm, with decades of experience in the field of innovation advancement and more than 200 worldwide clients, will manage the university’s portfolio with a consistent level of outside counsel and departmental input and insights, as well as with a goal towards an increased inventor involvement. Learn more by attending a technology transfer virtual informational session with TreMonti’s Holly Meadows from 11:10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Sept. 25 via Zoom. Meadows will also host one-on-one appointments Monday, Sept. 25 and Tuesday, Sept. 26. Sign up to schedule an appointment. Questions? Email or visit the Technology Transfer webpage.
Attend the Sept. 25 Zoom session
Career Education Canvas Modules Available to Embed in Courses
Career Services offers career curriculum available in Canvas modules that faculty can embed in their courses. The modules were developed by professional career counselors, in consultation with the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Career Services Advisory Council, faculty and students. Modules are available on the following topics:
- Networking.
- Interviewing.
- Discovering Career Possibilities.
- Navigating Your Job/Internship Search.
- Résumé and Cover Letter.
Each module is designed to be delivered asynchronously and includes several customizable components, such as readings, videos, and activities. Faculty are encouraged to complement the material by having a career counselor visit their classes as well. Learn more about the modules and/or request access. If you've used the modules in the past, continue to submit this form each quarter you use them to help Career Services track student utilization of this service.
Learn more about Career Education Canvas Modules
Faculty Advisor Training Series Planned in October; Still Time to Register
University Advising is offering a Faculty Advisor Training series that introduces undergraduate faculty advisors to academic advising core competencies. Click on the below links to register.
- FA 101: Nuts & Bolts of Faculty Advising: Friday, Oct. 6.
- FA 102: Assemble Your Faculty Advising Toolkit: Friday, Oct. 13.
- FA 103: Building Student Success through Faculty Advising: Friday, Oct. 20.
Questions? Contact Christina Wolfe-Chandler, advisor training coordinator, at
Faculty Connections: How to Get Involved in Yearlong Campuswide Faculty Orientation
Faculty Connections is a yearlong program — September to June — designed to connect faculty to physical spaces, people and resources across campus. Although designed for incoming faculty, all employees — faculty and staff — no matter how long they've been working at Cal Poly, are welcome to attend. Weekly events fall into one of five themes:
- Socials.
- Teacher Training.
- Research Training.
- Campus Tours.
- Campus Resources.
For the 2023-24 list of events, visit the Faculty Connections webpage. Note that some events require reservations, so sign up today to reserve a spot!
Catastrophic Leave
Mei Gaffey, administrative support coordinator in the College of Liberal Arts’ Ethnic Studies Department, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Gaffey remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Joy Sisler at ext. 6-5755 or to request a donation form.
Jeff Decker, plumber in the Management Plumbing Shop, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Decker remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Cassandra Loya at cdloya@calpoly.eduext. 6-5556 or to request a donation form.
Danielle Brooks, student services professional II in SEM-Financial Aid, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Brooks remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Linda Ortiz at ext. 6-1304 or to request a donation form.
Troy Hart, administrator II in Facilities Management, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Hart remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Cassandra Loya at ext. 6-5556 or to request a donation form.
Jessica Romera, administrative support assistant in the Cal Poly International Center, has qualified for catastrophic leave donations. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Romera remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator, Carey Klinger at ext. 6-6161 or to request a donation form.
Sandy Clark, lead custodian in University Housing, has qualified for catastrophic leave donations. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help Clark remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator, Kaitlin Madsen at ext. 6-7781 or to request a donation form.
Campus Announcements
‘Toltequity: Personal and Community Growth Through Ancient Toltec Knowledge’ Presentation on Oct. 6
The World Languages and Cultures Department and College of Liberal Arts will host a virtual presentation by Armando Cruz Sánchez, a practitioner of ancestral Toltec knowledge, Zapotec healer and spiritual guide from Oaxaca, Mexico. The event will be held from 2:10 to 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 6. Participants can expand their worldview through the wisdom and practices of the Toltecs, the ancient Mesoamerica civilization. Toltequity is the knowledge aimed at helping individuals realize their full potential, enabling their harmonic integration with the community, the environment, and ultimately, with the Spirit. The Zoom link is Questions? Contact Karen Muñoz-Christian at or Angelica Browne at
Attend the virtual Zoom presentation on Oct. 6
Student Center Upgrade Is Live
The PeopleSoft Student Center has been upgraded. The new Student Center features a mobile-friendly interface, intuitive navigation and convenient access to enrollment, financial and academic progress resources. The Office of the Registrar website has been updated with tutorials and instructions to familiarize students with the new look of the platform. Faculty and staff who regularly use the Student Center in their campus roles can view the upgraded platform via their Advisor and Faculty Centers. For more information, consult the Advisor Center User Guide or the Faculty Center User Guide.
see the Student Center upgrades
How You Can Help Support Out-of-State Students
Faculty and staff are invited to become local guides to out-of-state students this year through the Cal Poly Local Connections program. Local Connections aims to support out-of-state students and foster a sense of community in their new home away from home. It offers Mustangs the chance to find and form lasting support systems throughout their Learn by Doing journey, providing opportunities to meet, connect and build long-lasting friendships with faculty, staff, local community members and fellow out-of-state students. Join today as a local guide to connect with a current out-of-state student and offer support, guidance, friendship and recommendations. It can be as easy as meeting on campus once a quarter over a cup of coffee.
National Recovery Month Continues Through Sept. 30
University Personnel and Campus Health and Wellbeing are celebrating National Recovery Month, the annual recognition begun in 1989 that substance-use treatment benefits society. This year's theme is “Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person, Every Family, Every Community.” Employees and their household members can access mental health and substance-use support through the employee assistance program, LifeMatters, at 800-367-7474 or Cal Poly health plans also provide mental health and substance use support. Contact your plan provider for exact terms and conditions of coverage.
access mental health and substance-use support
Cal Poly Recreation Center Taking Fitness Class Reservations
Elevate your lifestyle with a new workout from ASI’s Fitness Schedule. Classes have begun. Reservations for fan-favorite classes Body Pump and Breakaway can be made 24 hours before the class date. In addition to the free offerings, explore ASI’s specialized fitness classes, including Shorin Ryu Karate, Kickboxing, TRX Circuit, Salsa/Bachata and Acro Yoga. Visit the ASI Fitness webpage for details.
Check the Fall ASI Fitness calendar for courses and swim times
ASI Aquatics Invites the Entire Family Back Into the Water
Whether you’re just dipping your toes back into the water or are a seasoned swimmer, ASI Aquatics has something for every swimming level! The aquatics classes range from SCUBA certifications and Aqua Fit, to intermediate and masters (morning and evening) lap swimming. Youth swim lessons and Parent and Me Swim classes are also available. Classes quickly fill, so be sure to register today.
See a list of ASI aquatics classes
Are There Class Openings for ASI Fall Programming? You Betcha!
Ready. Set. Register! ASI fall programming registration is underway, so secure your spot now in some of its popular programs. With heart-pumping fitness classes, action-packed intramural sports, adventurous outdoor trips and refreshing aquatics — ASI has something special for everyone! Learn more on the ASI website.
Check out ASI's Fall recreation programs
Payment-Check Run Day has Moved Up to Get Out Payments Sooner
Payment Services is changing the campus check run day to ensure faculty, staff, students and off-campus vendors receive payment or reimbursement checks earlier in the week to deposit or cash before the weekend. Starting Tuesday, Oct. 3, Payment Services will begin cutting checks Tuesdays instead of Fridays. With this new schedule, employee reimbursement direct deposits will occur twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For information on how to enroll in NON-PAYROLL direct deposit login to the Cal Poly Portal, click on “Job Task” and follow the “Enroll in Direct Deposit for Employee Reimbursements” link. Questions? Email payment technicians at, or call 6-2232.
Statistics Consulting Services Available Through Dec. 8
Statistics consulting for the campus is offered by appointment through Dec. 8. The service provides assistance in facilitating research design and data analysis. The Statistics Department can assist a variety of disciplines, said Professor Soma Roy and Associate Professor Steve Rein, who serve as consultants. They can advise on data collection, experimental design and analysis of research projects, in addition to leading seminars or tutorials on requested topics and offering advice on computer packages available at Cal Poly. Faculty, staff and students interested in the service can visit the Statistics Department website for more details. Email to schedule a consultation.
More details on Statistics Department consultations
Save the Date and Be a Hero: Campus Blood Drive Returns to Dexter Lawn Oct. 10
Come to Dexter Lawn on Tuesday, Oct. 10, for a life-changing event! You’ll be a hero and save up to three lives — in just an hour. A campus blood drive hosted by University Personnel, the Orfalea College of Business and Campus Health and Wellbeing returns to campus in search of the heroic. A Vitalant bus will be on the concrete walkway near the Dexter Building (No. 34). Appointments are available between 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Scheduled donations are prioritized over walk-ups. Donors are encouraged to hydrate well and eat a hearty meal before donating. Contact Lisa Gray at for more information.
Schedule An Appointment for a blood donation
Sept. 29 Deadline for 2024 Honorary Degree Nominations
Nominations are open for honorary degrees to be awarded by the CSU and Cal Poly in 2024. These degrees recognize achievements in all parts of the world. The process is confidential, including informing an individual that they have been nominated. Nominees must demonstrate high moral character and be distinguished in their respected fields, and the expertise and gravitas of the individual must be widely recognized. They must have demonstrated intellectual and humane values consistent with the ideals of the CSU and the aims of higher education and with the highest ideals of their chosen fields. Service or benefaction to the university do not alone justify the awarding of an honorary degree. Cal Poly’s honorary degree process is available online. Send nominations, including name and a brief biography highlighting the reasons for consideration, to Vice President for Student Affairs Keith Humphrey at by 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29.
Read the CSU policy for honorary degrees
Event Hosts Sought for Mustang Family Weekend Oct. 20-22
Parent and Family Programs will host Mustang Family Weekend Oct. 20-22 and invites colleges, departments and programs to participate. During the weekend, about 2,000 parents, supporters, families and friends will attend college and department events, interactive tours, athletic events, cultural programming and live performances. Hosting an event is a great opportunity for families to meet college leadership, tour a special facility, listen to a compelling lecture, attend a reception, witness a unique demonstration and deepen their connection to Cal Poly. To sign up, complete the Mustang Family Weekend Intent to Participate form by Thursday, Sept. 21. All event details will be published on the Mustang Family Weekend schedule. For more information, call Parent and Family Programs at ext. 6-6799 or email to
Sign Up Today for Mustang Family Weekend
Campus Joins CSU Program to Mentor Future Faculty
Cal Poly will participate in the CSU Pre-Professor Program next year. PREPP will introduce Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Fellows to faculty careers at the CSU. PREPP Fellows pair with a faculty mentor on a CSU campus, where they will focus on teaching, curriculum and mentoring students to understand faculty roles at a master’s-level institution. Mentors connect with up to three fellows annually and receive eight weighted teaching units (WTUs) of assigned time. Each participating campus has a program liaison and a faculty mentor. Cal Poly’s inaugural liaison is Julie Garcia, professor of psychology and child development and faculty director of program improvement. Faculty can learn more by contacting Garcia at
Learn more about the CSU Pre-Professor Program
Fall Quarter Book and Learning Circles for Employees
Employee and Organization Development announces its fall quarter Book and Learning Circles.
Book Circles
Read and discuss over three to four sessions:
- “Who Moved My Cheese?” by Spencer Johnson, M.D.
- “Inclusion on Purpose” by Ruchika Tulshyan
- “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Learning Circles
Watch a video or other media and discuss during a single session:
- “Original Thinkers” by Adam Grant
- “Belonging, A Critical Piece of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” by Carin Taylor
- “Intersectionality at Work” by Michelle Gadsden-Williams
To view book descriptions and register, visit the Book and Learning Circles webpage or the website.
visit the Book and Learning Circles webpage
CSU’s Got Talent Sept. 26 Webcast: Psychological Safety is Key to a Collaborative and Healthy Hybrid Workplace
The CSU’s Got Talent series begins the school year with a discussion of the importance of psychological safety for ethical decision-making — and how the lack of it in an organization can lead to disaster. The Sept. 26 Zoom workshop will feature Garth Sheriff, founder of Sheriff Consulting, which specializes in professional and leadership skill courses for CPAs and finance professionals. The hourlong webcast will start at 10 a.m. PDT. Research shows that organizations and teams with higher psychological safety are more productive, creative and happier. Moreover, they make better and more ethical decisions. The webcast will examine current research to better understand psychological safety for organizations and teams and introduce ways to assess and improve psychological safety for participants. Those who attend can watch a replay on the Learning Hub.
Music Department Sounds a Triumphant 2023-24 Events Season
The Music Department’s upcoming season will feature numerous student and faculty performers as well as guest artists. This first event is Oct. 20, a Faculty Showcase Recital, followed Nov. 9 by Cal Poly Bandfest that will include guest ensemble Boston Brass, a one-of-a-kind musical experience. Additional fall events include:
- Nov. 14: Instrumental Student Recital.
- Nov. 16: Vocal Student Recital.
- Nov. 17: Fall Jazz Concert.
- Nov. 30: Piano Student Recital.
- Dec. 1: Choirs' Holiday Kaleidoscope.
- Dec. 2: Arab Music Ensemble Fall Concert.
- Dec. 3: Symphony Fall Concert.
See the entire 2023-24 season on the Music Department’s calendar website. For more information, email the department at or call ext. 6-2406. Tickets are on sale at the Cal Poly Ticket Office. To order by phone, call ext. 6-4849. Cal Poly faculty and staff receive a 20% discount on individual tickets.
Learn more about the fall student performances is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting Cal Poly Now. Download the new Cal Poly Now app on your Apple or Android device to easily find events and activities, follow clubs and organizations, and network and grow connections across campus.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all available job openings, visit All new positions opened this week are listed below. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. For assistance, call Human Resources at ext. 6-2236.
#529893 - Director of Campus Assessment, Response and Education (CARE) Office - Dean of Students (Administrator I) – Student Affairs – Dean of Students. Anticipated hiring range: $82,500-$100,000 per year. Open until filled.
#531648 - Assistant Project Manager (Administrator I) - Administration and Finance - Facilities Management and Development. Anticipated hiring range: $75,000-$90,000 per year. Open until filled.
#531377 - Assistant Director of Personnel for ITS (Administrator I) - Information Services - Information Technical Services. Anticipated hiring range: $100,000-$120,000 per year. Open until filled.
#531722 - Electrician - Administration and Finance - Facilities Management and Development. $73,812-$95,304 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $73,812-$81,180 per year. Open until filled.
#531872 - Emergency Hire - Business Intelligence Analyst (Administrative Analyst/ Specialist - Exempt I)- Administration and Finance - Facilities Management and Development. $24.06-$43.53 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $24.06-$26.46 per hour. Open until filled.
Internal Postings – To find internally posted positions start from your Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left-hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” There you will see all internally and externally posted positions.
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Candidates are asked to visit to complete an application and apply for any of the positions shown below. Submit all requested application materials as attachments to your online application by the review begin date for full consideration. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
#531204 - Associate Professor - Aerospace Engineering - CENG - Aerospace Engineering
#531626 - Assistant/Associate/Full Professor of Food Safety - Food Science and Nutrition – CAFES - Food Science and Nutrition
#531241 - Assistant Professor in Health and Society - Interdisciplinary Studies - CLA - Interdisciplinary Studies Liberal Arts
#531350 - Assistant Professor in Art and Design – Foundations - CLA - Art and Design
#530405 - Department Head - Architectural Engineering – CAED - Architectural Engineering
Part-Time Lecturer Pools – Pools are opening for 2023/24 academic year. Visit and search department of interest.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
Marketing and Communications Manager, Cal Poly Arts, $65,000 to $75,000 annually.
Contracts and Grants Analyst II/III, Sponsored Programs, $65,000 to $78,000 annually
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Only new job listings are posted below. For a full list of available postings and to apply, visit the Work For ASI webpage. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
No new listings.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report(CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. Cal Poly Report appears weekly, every Wednesday.