Cal Poly Has $2.6 Billion Annual Economic Impact on Region, New Report Reveals

Regional Economic Development Organization REACH, in partnership with Deloitte, completed an economic impact analysis of Cal Poly that indicates the university’s annual economic impact in the region is $2.6 billion, making up 12% of the area’s economic activity. The analysis evaluated data covering both San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara counties, including employment, capital expenditures and other spending by the university, students, faculty and staff, and visitors. As the largest employer in San Luis Obispo County, Cal Poly employs the full-time equivalent of 5,000 people with a total payroll of $403 million, which collectively contributes $576 million to the region. The analysis found that the biggest boost to the region’s economy — $1.4 billion — comes from the university’s development of an educated regional workforce.
Read final economic impact report
Strategic Enrollment Management Summit is Nov. 30
Wednesday, Nov. 29, is the deadline to register for Strategic Enrollment Management’s (SEM) inaugural SEM Summit, scheduled for Thursday, Nov. 30, at the PAC Pavilion. The goal of the in-person summit is to inform the campus community about happenings in the division while creating space for answering questions. All seven SEM departments are presenting. Review what will be presented and register by the end of Wednesday, Nov. 29, for sessions you want to attend by selecting them from the à la carte menu.
Winter Coat Drive to Run Through Dec. 1
Support the Cal Poly community by donating new or gently used winter coats and jackets to students in need. Donation bins will be available through Friday, Dec. 1, at the following locations: the Native American and Indigenous Cultural Center, second floor of the UU, Wellbeing Services, Career Services, the Recreation Center and The Mustang Success Center in the Science Building (No. 52). Contact Hannah Steen, basic needs coordinator, with any questions at
Pride Faculty Staff Association to Host Membership Drive, Nov. 29 and Dec. 6
The Pride Faculty Staff Association is hosting a membership drive Wednesday, Nov. 29, and Wednesday, Dec. 6, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Dexter Lawn. Stop by for a free SLODoCo donut and PFSA swag. The organization aims to foster an inclusive campus climate, advocate for equitable policies, support the Pride Center, promote education on LGBTQIAP issues and offer professional development and social opportunities to faculty, staff and graduate students. Anyone who feels the need to get involved and do more should stop by and sign up, meet the PFSA cabinet or stop by for a donut and say hello.
For more Information about PFSA
Noyce Applied Computing RFPs Due Dec. 8
The Noyce School of Applied Computing invites faculty — tenured, tenure-track and lecturers — to apply for funding to support promising research and educational projects that are aligned with the school’s mission and vision. Interdisciplinary applied computing projects that integrate knowledge and perspectives from two or more fields of study are highly encouraged. To support this, each proposal must include at least one faculty member affiliated with a Noyce School department, which includes computer engineering, computer science and software engineering, electrical engineering and statistics. The Noyce School has allocated $200,000 for this funding cycle, with future funding cycles expected. Individual proposals may request from $5,000 to $50,000 based on demonstrated need. Awards will be distributed to multiple deserving proposals, ensuring a wide array of innovative ideas receive support. Read the full request for proposals and apply by Friday, Dec. 8 on InfoReady.Questions on how to use InfoReady? Contact Bridget Benson, associate dean for scholarship and assessment, at
First-Year Success Coaches Needed
The First-Year Success Program (FSP) is looking for faculty, staff and graduate students from across campus to serve as academic coaches for first-time, first-year students who are on academic probation. The coaches will support a small group of students by facilitating growth-centered conversations, engaging in goal setting and skill development, and exploring resources that students can use to move toward success in future quarters. FSP staff will provide a training via Zoom on Friday, Dec. 15, to discuss the details of the program and provide materials. In-person student workshops will be Friday, Jan. 12. FSP is seeking diverse members from throughout campus, so all levels of experience and background are welcome. Sign up or express interest by Dec. 13. Questions? Email
Survey Input Needed on Library Study Sites

The Kennedy Library Transformation Team seeks campus feedback and insights during its fall survey on the temporary study locations. From Nov. 29 through Dec. 15 campus community members can share thoughts on the nearly two dozen temporary study locations and library service points created for the start of the academic year to serve students, faculty and staff during the library renovation. The survey is designed to help better determine what is most important to the campus community regarding temporary study spaces and library service points. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will help the team learn from library users’ knowledge and experiences to provide improved services, hours and opportunities. Find the survey here.
Take Survey on Library Temporary Study Sites
Get Around Campus Safely This Winter

Alongside the growing popularity of electric scooters, skateboards, one-wheel and micro-mobility devices are increased safety concerns and complaints from Cal Poly community members about collisions, near collisions and close calls with pedestrians. Due to the campus hillside topography and congested pathways, skateboards, scooters and similar micro-mobility devices are not allowed on campus because of safety concerns. The road is shared by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians, all trying to safely get to destinations. Remember that everyone can share the road and the responsibility. Cal Poly Public Safety reminds faculty, students and staff how to get around campus safely:
- Bikes are a great way to avoid parking fees.
- Mustang Shuttle is an easy way to get around and people watch.
- Get steps in by walking.
- Look both ways before crossing.
- Follow posted traffic signs.
- Bike riders: wear a helmet and make yourself visible with lights and bright clothing.
Contribute to Holiday Gift Drive by Dec. 4

The Center for Service in Action invites students, staff, faculty and their families to contribute to the Mustang Holiday Gift Drive by picking up a gift tag and purchasing a gift for a child in need or by donating money via the center’s direct giving link. Each tag represents a specific request supporting local children and families in need. To pick up a gift tag, visit one of the Giving Tower locations on campus at: the Recreation Center Lobby (No. 43); the second floor of the UU (No. 65); and outside the Mustang Success Center in the Science Building (No. 52) Room D37. Bring newly purchased, unwrapped gifts to the CSA in Sierra Madre Residence Hall (No. 113) Room L119 by Monday, Dec. 4.
Faculty and Staff
Apply to Faculty Learning Community by Dec. 15

The CSU Teaching Climate Change and Resilience Faculty Learning Community, developed by Mark Stemen, a Chico State professor who teaches geography and planning, has gained significant recognition since its inception last spring. Since then, the FLC has been featured in an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education and has received awards from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The CTLT and Cal Poly's Facilities Energy, Utilities and Sustainability team are inviting faculty applications for the spring 2024 session, with $500 stipends available for eligible employees who complete the Faculty Learning Community requirements. Priority placement is given to new applicants who did not participate in the 2022 FLC. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 15. Learn more and apply here.
Teaching Climate Change and Resilience FLC Application
Winter Opportunities at the CTLT
The winter lineup of professional development offerings for campus educators (faculty and staff) from the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology is available on the CTLT Workshops webpage. Workshops include:
- Building Toward Equity.
- Creating Accessible Course Materials.
- Examining Whiteness.
- Team Learning Basics.
- Introduction to Equitable and Inclusive Teaching.
- AI Buffet.
There are also opportunities for an Equitable Grading Community of Practice, on-demand resources for academic success, academic writing support, an Equitable Grading Community of Practice and on-demand resources for academic success.
See the winter quarter lineup of courses
Faculty/Staff Winter Parking Permits on Sale

Employee parking permits go on sale Wednesday, Jan. 3, several days before fall quarter permits expire on Sunday, Jan. 7. Finding a parking permit option that best fits your commute is easy using your parking account.Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual parking permits are available online for purchase at employee unit-bargained rates. Permits sold in parking lots at pay stations, parking meters or by ParkMobile do not offer staff rates. Winter quarter permits are valid Monday, Jan. 8, through Sunday, March 31. Purchase permits online and update vehicle information on employee parking accounts.
See more on Transportation and Parking Services staff page
Last Call for Nov. 30 Employee Holiday Party

All campus employees are invited to join President Armstrong and Sharon Armstrong for a holiday reception from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 30, in the Swanson Center of Effort Conference Hall at the JUSTIN & J. LOHR Center for Wine and Viticulture Building (No. 156) on Mount Bishop Road. In partnership with Cal Poly Basic Needs and the Food Pantry, guests are invited to donate items such as condiments, seasonings and cooking oils, hygiene items, snack items and peanut butter alternatives, as well as nonperishables (like nondairy milks). Donations can also be made online. Online donations can be directed to: Cal Poly Cares, the Food Pantry and/or Health and Counseling Services. Questions? Contact the Office of the President at ext. 6-6000 or
Next Employee Wellness Session is Nov. 30

The Food Science and Nutrition Department will host a student-led employee wellness nutrition session, The Science of Breakfast, from 11:10 a.m. to noon Thursday, Nov. 30, in the Human Nutrition Lab in the Agricultural Sciences Building (No. 11), Room 102. The session is part of a new initiative to support employee health while providing students with valuable Learn by Doing experience under the supervision of (delete Cal Poly) nutrition professors and registered dietitian nutritionists. Students will discuss snacks at work and why breakfast is important. These sessions are first come, first serve; attendees are urged to RSVP. Questions? Email Anna Cahn at
Corporation Wins Dozen MarCom Awards

Cal Poly Corporation’s Marketing and Communications Department recently took home 12 international MarCom awards for programs, campaigns, branding and materials promoting outstanding collaborations and initiatives performed by the Digital Transformation Hub, Kennedy Library Transformation, Administration and Finance, Transportation and Parking Services, Talent Acquisition, Campus Dining and the Corporation. MarCom Awards honor excellence in marketing and communication while recognizing the creativity, hard work and generosity of industry professionals. MarCom is administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals. The Corporation team earned four platinum, four gold and four honorable mention awards. This year, there were over 6,500 entries from throughout the United States, Canada and 47 other countries. Awarded to about 17 percent of recipients for most outstanding entries, the four platinum awards recognized campuswide enterprises, including Cal Poly Digital Transformation Hub’s launch of the new Cal Poly 5G Innovation Lab, Kennedy Library Transformation communications team’s public relations program, and Cal Poly Corporation’s annual report and campus partnerships supporting student success social media campaign.
View all 2023 MarCom winners
Watch CSU's ‘Unstoppable Resilience’ Nov. 29

Dr. Eva Selhub, physician, author and founder of Resiliency Experts LLC will present “Unstoppable Resilience: Avoiding Burnout and Discovering How to Flourish Instead” from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29. Selhub explains why the six pillars of resilience – physical vitality, emotional equilibrium, mental toughness and clarity, spiritual purpose, healthy personal relationships, and being an inspiring leader and part of a wider community or team – are crucial for transformative change within personal and professional lives. Register and attend this and other free webcasts using this Zoom link. Can’t make it? View previous CSU’s Got Talent recordings on Cal Poly's Learning Hub. Employee and Organization Development is offering the live webcast as part of the CSU’s Got Talent series.
Catastrophic Leave
Maureen O'Connor, an administrative analyst/specialist in Academic Programs and Planning, has qualified for catastrophic leave. Those wishing to donate leave credits to help the employee remain in full-pay status during an extended leave of absence should contact catastrophic leave coordinator Jessica Carson at 6-2326 or to request a donation form

Valerie “Val” Maijala will retire Friday, Dec. 15, after 32 years with the California State University system, including 23 years at Cal Poly. In 1999, Maijala left Cal State San Bernardino and accepted a job as an administrative assistant in the Procurement Office. She was on the first implementation team for PeopleSoft Finance, which led to her role as the CMS Finance lead. “Even though I’m looking forward to my next chapter, I’ll definitely miss my first-floor family in the Admin. Building,” she said. Her retirement plans include attending more Los Angeles Rams games, spending quality time with her family, sleeping in, traveling, pouring wine at a local winery and drinking wine (lots of wine)! Leave a farewell message on a virtual card for her, with the option to include photos and videos as well. Colleagues and friends are invited to join her for light refreshments at a farewell celebration on Thursday, Dec. 7, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Vista Grande’s third-floor patio.
Campus Announcements
A&F Report: Adding Buildings, Campus Art to Cutting Waste and Claiming Awards
The 2022-23 Administration and Finance Annual Report was recently released and shares information and stories that celebrate and recognize the accomplishments of the past year. During the last academic year, the university welcomed one of its largest cohorts, with more than 5,100 first-year students. The year 2022-23 also marked 12 months of transition on campus and settling into a new reality of hybrid work and learning. The campus opened the William and Linda Frost Center for Research and Innovation; kicked off the two-year Kennedy Library Transformation; improved campus safety; increased sustainability efforts; continued to highlight diversity, equity and inclusion; and prioritized collaboration across the university. Administration and Finance staff and colleagues did this and more last year to continue to move the university forward.
Read the full annual A&R report
Smile and Say Cheese: Holiday Boxes Feature Tasty Student-Made Products

’Tis the season for Cal Poly holiday cheese boxes! The Cal Poly Creamery has award-winning cheeses and traditional favorites, available in a variety of gift box arrangements and prices. The sale runs through mid-December, with shipping available throughout the U.S. and select dates available for on-campus pickup. Gift boxes from the creamery are a great way to share Mustang Pride during the holiday season while supporting student success. To order cheese selections in time for holiday delivery, visit the creamery website. Each purchase supports students Cal Poly's Learn by Doing tradition.
Learn more about Holiday Cheese Boxes
Revamped Institutional Research Website Offers User-Friendly Experience
Institutional Research’s newly revamped website puts the power of data at fingertips like never before. Data for publications and reports is strategically placed front-and-center. Users, navigating through a seamless interface, will find an intuitive layout with easy access to the wealth of information crucial for research and analysis. The revamped website has dynamic tools and resources, all aimed at empowering research endeavors. The newest are Registration Monitor dashboards, and more dashboards are coming. From visually engaging data visualizations to interactive elements, the site prioritizes accessibility and visibility of key information. “Embark on a journey where data takes center stage, and your research experience is elevated to new heights,” says Institutional Research.
IR: ‘where valuable insights just a click away’
Poinsettia Sale Blossoms Dec. 2 and Dec. 9

Cal Poly’s annual poinsettia sale, with thousands of plants and dozens of varieties and colors, will be held on two consecutive Saturdays, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Poly Plant Shop. The flowering holiday plants are grown by the more than 20 students who work in the Plant Sciences Department’s greenhouses. This year’s poinsettia project offers plants in shades of red, white, pink and a plethora of other colors. Sizes range from small plants in four-inch pots to large poinsettias reaching three feet high in 14-inch pots. Prices range from $10 to $100. The sale also features student-made wreaths, centerpieces, succulents, ornaments and gifts. A group of graduate students from the Orfalea College of Business will also demonstrate making 3D-printed custom plant pots, which will also be available for purchase.
Read more about the poinsettia sale
Take a Stroll Through Cal Poly Magazine's Fall Pages

In the latest edition of Cal Poly Magazine explore the dynamic labs within the new Frost Center for Research and Innovation, where Mustangs push the boundaries of biotechnology, food science, media and more. Dive into other stories on an ecological restoration project on the Oceano Dunes, artificial intelligence in policing, marine bioaccoustics research and an alumna leading major toy brands, like Barbie. Find these stories, photo galleries, feature videos and more at Cal Poly Magazine. Take a moment to subscribe to future issues of the magazine in print and via email.
Cal Poly Choirs to Present ‘Holiday Kaleidoscope’ Dec. 1

Cal Poly’s Choirs will present the seventh annual “Holiday Kaleidoscope” at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1, in the Performing Arts Center. As a special treat, the concert will include performances by the Cal Poly Wind Ensemble and the Cuesta College Chamber Singers. In what has become an annual tradition, the Cabrillo Madrigal Singers from Lompoc will make a guest appearance, directed by Cal Poly graduate Jennifer Peterson (Music, ’95). Other fun features will include performances by the a cappella groups Take it SLO and That’s the Key. Cal Poly faculty guitarist Jim Bachman will accompany on Alf Houkum’s “Rune of Hospitality,” and new Cal Poly voice instructor and tenor Lorenzo Johnson Jr. will be featured in a powerful “modern” spiritual. University Organist Paul Woodring will accompany the choirs on piano and organ, and Scott Glysson will conduct. More information is on the Music Department’s calendar website.Tickets are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849.
Get Tickets for ‘Holiday Kaleidoscope’
Cal Poly Arab Music Ensemble to Perform on Dec. 2

The Arab Music Ensemble will give its fall concert at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2, in the Performing Arts Center. The concert will open with the world premiere of “Tahiyya” (“Salutation”) by Ken Habib, the ensemble’s director, and a suite of instrumental and vocal pieces selected from Arab art and popular music and celebrated across the Eastern Mediterranean, including classic examples of the muwashshah, a genre of poetry and music that arose in 10th-century Andalusia. The program will also include a Romanian folksong and a Turkish instrumental piece that reflect the historical interconnectedness of West Asia, North Africa and Europe. Several critically acclaimed guest artists will join the ensemble on stage: Ishmael, qanan; Fathi Aljarrah, kamanja; and Faisal Zedan, percussion. San Luis Obispo dance director Jenna Mitchell will lead a dance troupe in choreography that dialogues with the music. More information is on the Music Department’s calendar website Tickets are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849.
Get Tickets for Arab Music Ensemble’s Fall Concert
Fall Symphony Concert Includes Harmony Magnet Academy on Dec. 3

The Harmony Magnet Academy Symphony Orchestra (HMASO) will join the Cal Poly Symphony for its Fall Concert at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3, in the Performing Arts Center. Harmony Magnet Academy, located in Strathmore, California, was recently named one of the top 5% of high schools in the nation by U.S. News and World Report, and the top high school in Tulare County. The concert will begin with selections played by the HMASO, including Aaron Copland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man” and Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6, fifth movement, “Shepard’s Hymn.” The strings of both ensembles will fill the stage to perform John Corigliano’s “Voyage for String Orchestra.” The Cal Poly Symphony will perform Valerie Coleman’s “Umoja,” the Swahili word for “unity,” and Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 8. More information is on the Music Department’s calendar website. Tickets are sold at the Cal Poly Ticket Office, ext. 6-4849.
Get Tickets for Cal Poly Symphony Concert
Pianist Matthew Whitaker Comes to Spanos Theatre Dec. 6

Cal Poly Arts presents pianist Matthew Whitaker on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. in Spanos Theatre. Whitaker is a prodigious talent who began his musical journey at age 3. A Yamaha artist and the youngest musician endorsed by Hammond, he’s made a remarkable impact on the jazz scene. With training from the Juilliard School, Harlem School of the Arts and Manhattan School of Music, Whitaker has already performed in some of the world’s most prestigious venues. He previously studied classical piano and drums at the Filomen M. D’Agostino Greenberg Music School in New York, the only community music school for the blind and visually impaired in the U.S. As a 10-year-old, he was invited to perform at Stevie Wonder’s induction into the Apollo Theater’s Hall of Fame in 2001. Whitaker has been on national and international radio and television, including “Ellen,” “The Today Show” in their documentary series “Boys Changing the World,” and CBS’s “60 Minutes.“ This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Civic Ballet’s 'The Nutcracker' at PAC Dec. 8-10

The Civic Ballet of San Luis Obispo presents its annual presentation of “The Nutcracker” Friday, Dec. 8, through Sunday, Dec. 10, in Harold Miossi Hall. For over 40 years, Civic Ballet has presented this holiday classic (including 25 years performing to sold-out audiences at the PAC). Lori Lee Silvaggio’s “The Nutcracker” is filled with all the pageantry, magic and wonder that have made this one of the most enduring holiday traditions around the globe. Featuring OperaSLO Grand Orchestra, sterling production values and San Luis Obispo County’s finest dancers, this is a ballet experience not to be missed. This event has a student discount available.
'Nochebuena: A Christmas Spectacular' Bound for PAC on Dec. 13

Cal Poly Arts presents “Nochebuena: A Christmas Spectacular” on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 7:30 p.m. in the Harold Miossi Hall. Experience the vibrant spirit of Mexico’s Christmas season with an all-star cast featuring Ballet Folklórico de Los Ángeles and Mariachi Garibaldi de Jaime Cuéllar. Immerse yourself in Nochebuena traditions, where captivating music, dance and festive customs create an unforgettable cultural celebration. This spectacular show focuses on Nochebuena (Christmas Eve), when Mexican families attend midnight Mass before returning home to a late-night feast and lots of music! In Mexico, the holiday is a whole season of Christmas-related celebrations, representing a blend of indigenous culture, Spanish heritage and influences from other cultures. Mariachi Garibaldi enjoys a professional partnership with Ballet Folklórico de Los Ángeles, and together they have entertained thousands of people at sold-out venues. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Buy Nochebuena Tickets here
Ballet Theatre SLO Presents ‘Snow Queen’ at Spanos Dec. 15-17

Ballet Theatre SLO presents “The Snow Queen” ballet from Friday, Dec. 15, through Sunday, Dec. 17, in Spanos Theatre. Set in Scandinavia in the late 1700s, Hans Christen Andersen’s classic fairy tale that inspired Disney’s “Frozen” comes alive on stage. The cherished friendship of young Kay and little Gerda falls victim to an evil Hobgoblin’s cruel prank that turns people’s hearts cold and bitter. The icy Snow Queen preys on the trouble and leads Kay away to her frozen throne. Gerda’s love for her friend takes her on a fantastic rescue mission. She travels from her rooftop rose garden, through a rushing river, up snowy mountains, and into mystical forests and castles. She encounters magical creatures, dangerous hurdles and mysterious people. This event has a student discount available.
Buy 'Snow Queen' Tickets here
SLO Master Chorale Brings Holiday Festival, Sing-Along ‘Messiah’ at PAC on Dec. 16

SLO Master Chorale presents its annual Holiday Festival and Sing-Along “Messiah” performance on Saturday, Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. The Master Chorale will perform the great choruses from Handel's ever-popular masterpiece, “Messiah.” Experience the magic of the Forbes Pipe Organ, played by Cal Poly University Organist Paul Woodring. Hear traditional carols and arrangements for chorus, organ and orchestra with a guest appearance from Los Angeles’s Westwood Brass quintet. It's a family tradition! Audience members are invited to listen to the “Messiah” choruses or join in the fun by singing along. This event has a student discount available.
Buy SLO Master Choral Tickets here
Ukulele Virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro Brings Aloha Christmas to PAC on Dec. 19

Cal Poly Arts presents Jake Shimabukuro’s “Christmas in Hawai’i” on Tuesday, Dec. 19, at 7:30 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. The ukulele virtuoso promises a heartwarming holiday extravaganza featuring bassist Jackson Waldhoff and singer-songwriter Justin Kawika Young. Shimabukuro transforms timeless holiday classics into Hawaiian delights. Experience an enchanting, joyful evening sure to be a highlight of the holiday season. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Buy Jake Shimabukuro Tickets here
Ring-in 2024 with Opera SLO’s ‘New Year’s Eve on Broadway’ at PAC

Opera San Luis Obispo presents “New Year's Eve on Broadway: From 42nd Street to the MET” Sunday, Dec. 31, at 7 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. This spectacular, citywide arts collaborative gala will feature the best of Broadway, opera and dance! The evening will feature eight nationally acclaimed vocalists as well as special guests Ballet Theatre San Luis Obispo, Central Coast Gilbert and Sullivan and the Cuesta Concord Chorus, along with the Opera SLO Grand Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Brian Asher Alhadeff.
Buy Opera SLO Tickets here is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting Cal Poly Now. Download the new Cal Poly Now app on your Apple or Android device to easily find events and activities, follow clubs and organizations, and network and grow connections across campus.
For an overview of up-to-date sports information, photos and videos, visit Tickets can be purchased at the Cal Poly Ticket office, located at the Performing Arts Center, and online.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Wednesday, Nov. 29
Men’s basketball vs. San Jose State, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Job Vacancies
Employment Opportunities
For all externally posted job openings, visit, where you can also sign up for job alerts. All new positions opened this week are listed below. To see all externally posted jobs across the CSU, go to CSU Careers. If you have questions, email
Cal Poly Stateside Employees: To see both external and internal-only jobs, visit the Internal Careers Site.
#533882 – Executive Director of Academic Programs and Planning (Administrator II) – Academic Programs and Planning. $54,996-$176,556 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $150,000-$160,000 per year. Internal only. Open until filled.
#534050 – CAD Specialist/Plan Room Coordinator (Drafting Technician II) – Administration and Finance – Facilities Planning. $48,120-$87,048. Anticipated hiring range: $65,000-$84,500 per year. Open until filled.
#533887 – Emergency Hire – Business Intelligence Analyst (Administrative Analyst/Specialist – Exempt I) – Administration and Finance – FMD Customer and Business Svc. $24.06-$43.53 per hour. Anticipated hiring range: $24.06-$26.46 per hour. Open until filled.
#534009 – Public Works Procurement Specialist (Buyer III) – Administration and Finance – Procurement Services. $51,672-$93,480. Anticipated hiring range: $78,000-$90,000. Open until filled.
Internal Postings – To find internally posted positions start from your Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” There you will see all internally and externally posted positions.
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Candidates are asked to visit to complete an application and apply for any of the positions shown below. Submit all requested application materials as attachments to your online application by the review begin date for full consideration. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
#533340 – Assistant Professor in Global Studies – Interdisciplinary Studies, CLA-Interdisciplinary Studies Liberal Arts.
#533839 – Tenure-Track Position – Literacy Education, BCSM-School of Education.
#533696 – Tenure Track Position – Children's Literature, BCSM-Liberal Studies
Part-Time Lecturer Pools – Pools are opening for 2023-24 academic year. Visit and search department of interest.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
No new listings this week.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Only new job listings are posted below. For a full list of available postings and to apply, visit the Work For ASI webpage. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
No new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report(CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. Cal Poly Report appears weekly, every Wednesday. The final edition of the calendar year is Dec. 13, but Cal Poly Report will return Jan. 10.