Heterodox Academy Campus Community to Host Feb. 2 Mixer at Plant Conservatory
Cal Poly’s Heterodox Academy will host a HxA mixer from 2-3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2, at the Plant Conservatory (No. 72) on Village Drive. The new group recently joined the nonprofit organization’s growing Campus Community Network. The mission of members, who include faculty, staff and students, is to promote values of open inquiry, viewpoint diversity and constructive disagreement to improve research and education at Cal Poly. The campus chapter will strive to: support members’ daily work; showcase and model HxA values; improve policies, practices and culture across the six colleges; and collaborate with colleagues at the other 50 HxA campuses that collectively serve over 1.1 million students. Membership in HxA is free. The Cal Poly co-chairs are OCOB’s Chris Carr, CLA’s Brian Kennelly and BCSM’s Jenn Yost.
Corporation Directors to Meet Feb. 2
The Cal Poly Corporation board of directors will meet Friday, Feb. 2, at 8:30 a.m. in the Corporation Administration Building (No. 15), Room 124. Submit written public comments for the meeting via email to by Wednesday, Jan. 31. Those desiring to speak to the board must fill out an appearance request and email to Holly Clark ( at least 24 hours before the meeting. Each speaker is limited to three minutes. The meeting also can be watched via Zoom. If attendance exceeds room capacity, attendees will be directed to another room to view the meeting. Public comments will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. Speakers should arrive at 8:15 a.m. More information and the agenda will be available on the Cal Poly Corporation website five days in advance of the meeting. Questions? Call Clark at 805-756-1131.
Watch the meeting via Zoom
Toastmasters Welcomes New Members to Feb. 7 Open House

Ready to try something new in 2024? Cal Poly Toastmasters is welcoming staff, faculty and students to join its group of 20 members with an open house session Wednesday, Feb. 7, noon to 1 p.m. in the Facilities Building (No. 70), Room 110. No registration is required. Why Toastmasters? It helps improve communication skills — interpersonal and public — in a supportive community that boosts confidence in a safe and accepting environment. Practice presentations, speeches, impromptu speaking and more. In addition, new members who join in February will be entered into a prize drawing. Questions? Contact Emily Jenson, vice president of membership, (
Learn more about Cal Poly Toastmasters
Intertidal Book Drive Seeks Literary Donations Through Feb. 9

The 2023-24 Intertidal Editorial Team is collecting books for its “Blind Date with a Book” fundraiser, set for Feb. 12-13. Donations of lightly used (non-textbook) literature books can be placed in the available box in the English Department copy room in Faculty Offices North (No. 47), Room 35H, through Friday, Feb. 9. Questions? Email For updates follow @cp.intertidal on Instagram. Intertidal is a literary and art journal produced by CLA English students. The word “intertidal” describes areas between land and sea where biodiversity flourishes. In the same spirit, the publication includes a diverse range of written and printable art created by students, staff and faculty of various academic disciplines and identity groups.
¡Que Bueno! Ethnic Studies Offers Inaugural Immersive Study Abroad Summer Program in Mexico City

The Cal Poly in Mexico City Ethnic Studies program is a new, five-week, eight-unit immersive academic experience in Mexico's capital. The inaugural program, set for June 23 through July 27, will be offered annually. Students will explore Mexico's history and arts, and its influence on Mexican American/Chicano history and arts from Indigenous roots to the present. The required courses include ES 323: Latinas/os in Popular Culture, and ES 340: Latinx Cultural Production. Through classroom learning and hands-on activities, students will get a grasp on El Águila Real’s (the Royal Eagle’s) intricate historical and cultural impacts on the U.S. and the significant contributions of its diverse communities to Mexican and American language, culture and identity. Other activities include engagements with local artists, visits to heritage sites, like the ancient Mesoamerican city of San Juan Teotihuacán, and locations featuring murals by such renowned artists as Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siquieros. Questions? Email José Navarro (
Faculty and Staff
Hike Cerro Alto Trail with Campus Colleagues on Jan. 27

Faculty and staff are invited to take a social hike up Cerro Alto Peak, from the Cerro Alto Campground on Saturday, Jan. 27, at 9 a.m. The campground is off Highway 41 between Atascadero and Morro Bay. Cerro Alto, at 2,624 feet in the Los Padres National Forest, is one of the tallest peaks in the county, providing a commanding view of the Pacific coastline, Whale Rock Reservoir, Morro Bay and the Santa Lucia Mountains. The hike is challenging; it begins at the campground, which is at about 1,000 feet in a verdant canyon pass astride a semiannual creek. Feel free to invite friends, family and dogs (on a leash) — who are comfortable with hiking uphill. Bring $5 cash for parking. To carpool, sign up via the interest form by Thursday, Jan. 25. The hike is part of the Poly Connections program, which connects faculty and staff with people, places and resources across campus.
Campus Health and Wellbeing Administering Student Health Assessment Survey
Students recently received an email from the American College Health Association inviting them to complete the National College Health Assessment, also known as the Cal Poly Health Assessment. This voluntary and confidential online survey about health behaviors, attitudes and experiences takes about 15 minutes to complete. Campus Health and Wellbeing relies on the information gathered to create and prioritize campus student programming. Faculty and staff can help by encouraging students to take the survey or request a CH&W Health Education team stop by a department or class to briefly discuss the survey. All survey participants will be entered in a drawing to win one of 25 $100 gift cards from the Cal Poly Bookstore. Questions? Email the Health Education office ( or call ext. 6-5252.
Teacher-Scholar Mini-Grant Program Accepting Proposals for 2024-25; Virtual Info Session set for March 7
The 2024-25 Teacher-Scholar Mini-Grant Program is open to all faculty unit employees, including lecturers, tenure-track and tenured faculty, to compete for funding. The grants support Cal Poly's institutional commitment to advancing discovery, integration, application and engagement in the context of teaching and learning. With support from the Office of the Provost, the program expands internal funding to support all areas of teacher-scholar activities. The deadline for proposals is midnight Monday, May 6, via the Cal Poly InfoReady system. For more information and submission instructions, visit the Division of Research website. A virtual Teacher-Scholar Mini-Grant Program Information session will be held Thursday, March 7, 2024, at 11:10 a.m. via Zoom. Attendees must log in with Cal Poly credentials. Questions? Email to
Safer Hosts Winter Quarter Book Circle Tuesdays in February, March

The Safer Learning Community features quarterly book circles geared toward faculty and staff as part of its violence prevention and trauma-informed response. These discussions empower Cal Poly employees to more closely work with Safer efforts to eradicate and prevent gender- and power-based violence on campus while fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all survivors through robust prevention education and advocacy services. The winter quarter book is "Our Women On the Ground: Essays by Arab Women Reporting from the Arab World," edited by Zahra Hankir. Sessions will be held
- Tuesday, Feb. 13, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
- Tuesday, Feb. 20, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
- Tuesday, Feb. 27, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
- Tuesday, March 5, 12:10 to 1 p.m.
Group discussions will be facilitated by Campus Advocate Gillian Cutshaw ( and Bianca Silva (, an international student coordinator.
Register for the Safer Quarterly Book Circle
Accessible STEM Resources Available to Support Students

Science, technology engineering and mathematics instructors face unique challenges in identifying and reducing barriers to learning for students with disabilities. The Accessible STEM Resources webpage provides information and resources to help create more achievable and inclusive experiences for these students. Questions or comments? Contact Pam Dougherty ( or John Lee (
The Accessible STEM Resources webpage
Join HHMI Faculty Learning Community: Jan. 26 to March 15
The Cal Poly Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) team is offering in winter quarter a faculty learning community in which participants will read “Black, Brown, Bruised: How Racialized STEM Education Stifles Innovation,” (2020) by Ebony Emotola McGee. Participants will be provided a copy of the book. The learning community will meet to discuss the book, which examines the experiences of underrepresented students and faculty members who have succeeded in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), and its application to Cal Poly. Stipends will be available for faculty who participate and submit artifacts to demonstrate their work. Meetings will be held from 9:10 to 10:30 a.m. Fridays, on Jan. 26, Feb. 9, March 1 and March 15. The meetings will be held in hybrid format with opportunities for in-person and Zoom participation. This faculty learning community is supported by Cal Poly’s HHMI Inclusive Excellence 3 grant. The university is utilizing this funding to focus on effective inclusive teaching and then an evaluation will be used in a rewards system for faculty, including faculty recruitment, retention, promotion and tenure.
Learn more and register for HHMI Faculty Learning Community
‘Spider’ Science Building Open House on Jan. 29

Faculty and staff are invited to the Science Building (No. 52) Open House on Monday, Jan. 29, from noon to 2 p.m. Visit participating offices (New Student and Transition Programs; Educational Opportunity Program; Upward Bound; Latinx/e Center; Black Academic Excellence Center; Graduate Education, Retention, Cal Poly Scholars, Cal Poly Arts, Mustang Success Center, International Center; and Extending, Professional and Continuing Education) in the structure, commonly known as the “spider building” for its sprawling hallways. This is an opportunity to learn how each office supports the campus community while picking up free treats and swag. Print out a floor plan of Building 52 or look for balloons throughout the building to find participating offices. The open house is part of the Poly Connections program, which connects faculty and staff with places, people and resources across campus.
Submit Outstanding Staff Award Nominations by Jan. 31

Staff employees, faculty members and department or division heads are encouraged to submit nominations for the Outstanding Staff Award. The deadline to submit a nomination for the 2023-24 award is Wednesday, Jan. 31. To be eligible, nominees must be permanent, full-time employees of the university, Cal Poly Corporation or ASI who have completed at least three years of employment as of Dec. 31, 2023 (10-month employees are eligible). Employees represented by bargaining unit 3 (faculty), former recipients of the award and student assistants are not eligible. The Outstanding Staff Award selection criteria and nomination form can be found at Human Resources.
APIDA Faculty Staff Association Open to New Members; Will Hold Panel Discussion Feb. 1

All Asian Pacific Islander Desi American, or APIDA, faculty and staff members seeking connection, empowerment and a chance to make a difference are invited to join the APIDA Faculty Staff Association (APID FSA). Since 2007, the group has fostered a vibrant community dedicated to supporting professional growth, celebrating heritage and advocating for diverse and inclusive campus life. The association is hosting a panel discussion featuring prominent APIDA faculty and staff from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, at the ATL building (No. 7). Food and drinks will be provided! APIDA offers opportunities to network, learn and share unique voices. Faculty and staff members seeking mentorship, leadership development or simply a space to connect with others with similar experiences, will find it at APIDFSA. Join and discover the power of community, and start building a brighter future for yourself and the APIDA community at Cal Poly.
Submit Proposals for New Instructionally Related Activities by Feb. 2
The Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Committee is accepting proposals for the 2024-25 academic year for activities seeking first-time recognition. An Instructionally Related Activity, or IRA, is an extracurricular “out-of-class experience” that provides enrichment to students and enhances their learning at Cal Poly. IRA funds cannot fund specific projects or field trips as part of an academic course. The deadline for submissions for new IRAs to college deans is midnight Friday, Feb. 2. Allow ample time for signature routing in AdobeSign. The call for continued recognition for currently recognized IRAs will go out separately in early February with a deadline in March. Email Jessica Carson ( for additional information and help with proposals.
Forms, instructions and other relevant IRA information
Division of Research Accepting Proposals for 2024-25 Grant Program; Deadline is Feb. 5
The 2024-25 Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities (RSCA) Grant Program is accepting grant proposals for the 2024-25 academic year. Supported by funds from the CSU Chancellor’s Office and the Cal Poly Provost's Office, the grant program seeks to help faculty remain engaged in their disciplines beyond the classroom and contribute new knowledge through robust programs of scholarship focused on strengthening California socially, culturally and economically. All faculty unit employees, including lecturers, tenure-track and tenured faculty, are eligible to compete for funding. Proposals via the Cal Poly InfoReady system are due before midnight Monday, Feb. 5.
For more information and RSCA submission instructions
Faculty and Staff Invited to Students with Dependents Inclusion Training on Feb. 7
The Students with Dependents Program, within the Office of the Dean of Students, will host its first inclusion training Wednesday, Feb. 7, from 10-11:30 a.m. This first virtual training will help participants understand more about students with dependents, learn about higher education policies specific to parenting/caregiving students and think about how to bring this new knowledge to their campus roles. The training is designed for faculty, staff and student employees interested in enhancing inclusive and equitable practices to support students with dependents' success. Register to receive the Zoom information. Questions? Contact Students with Dependents Program Coordinator Courtney Moore (
Register for the Feb. 7 inclusion training
New Winter Learning Circles for Employees
Engage in enriching conversations and connect with peers in a Learning Circle. Learning Circles involve a single session with no pre-work. View full descriptions and register below:
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg: In this ingenious talk, Duhigg seamlessly combines informational facts from research, anecdotes from real events and personal experience with insightful observations to explain why human behaviors are compelled by habit.
CTLT Offers Professional Development Opportunities
The winter lineup of professional development offerings for campus educators (faculty and staff) from the Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology is available at CTLT Workshops. Workshops include:
- Building Toward Equity.
- Introduction to Equitable and Inclusive Teaching.
- Examining Whiteness.
- Team Learning Basics.
There are also opportunities for an Equitable Grading Community of Practice, on-demand resources for academic success, academic writing support and on-demand resources for academic success.
Per Diem Changes to CSU Travel Policies
New for 2024, the updated CSU Travel Policy includes domestic meal per diems. Since Jan. 1, all meals and incidentals for domestic travel are covered by meal per diems that range from $59 to $79. The exact per diem is determined by the location of travel and is based on the U.S. Office of Allowances. The rates will be automatically entered when a trip is scheduled in Concur. This new policy will not require the traveler to provide receipts for meals. This change will align domestic travel meal and incidental per diem with the CSU international travel policy. Training on this change will take place Friday, Jan. 19, 9-10 a.m.; Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2-3 p.m.; and Thursday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m.-noon. Concur users should contact Poly Travel to sign up for training.
Campus Announcements
ASI Winter Club Fair Jan. 26 at Chumash

ASI student government will host its Winter Club Fair Friday, Jan. 26, from noon to 3 p.m. in Chumash Auditorium, Room 205 in the UU. Snacks from Crumbl Cookies will be provided. Clubs provide social opportunities as well as community and professional development. No registration is required.
Learn more about ASI Winter Club Fair
Cal Poly Police to Host Annual Evening with K9s Jan. 27

K9 Zeus handler Officer Stephanie Pipan and the Cal Poly Police Department will host the seventh annual Evening with the K9s on Saturday, Jan. 27, from 3-8 p.m. at Thousand Hills Ranch in Pismo Beach. The event will feature demonstrations by local police K9 teams, dinner, a silent auction and more. All proceeds will benefit the Cal Poly K9 program, which is partially funded by donations and community support. The K9 Unit was created to enhance the safety of everyone on campus. K9 Zeus is a German shepherd that specializes in patrol, hard-surface tracking as well as weapons and bomb detection. Zeus provides security at many campus gatherings and sporting events. He and Officer Pipan are called upon to assist other local, state and federal agencies. Zeus is certified by the state Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, or POST, as a Police K9, and the team must continue its monthly training to maintain that certification. An Evening with the K9 is made possible through campus and community support. Tickets are $65 with tables of 10 available for $575.
Tickets for Evening with K9s 2024
Students Invited to ‘Unpack’ Study Abroad at Returnee Week, Jan. 29-Feb. 2
Recent Cal Poly students who have returned from study abroad programs are invited to participate in the International Center’s inaugural Returnee Week, beginning Jan. 29. The week’s lineup of information sessions will provide resources for students struggling to answer “what’s next” following their recent sojourn abroad. Students will gain insights into how to leverage their experiences abroad as they readjust to life in the U.S. A breakfast celebrating returnees will kick off the week’s events, providing unique opportunities for students to “unpack” their experiences with the challenges of reentry. The International Center and Career Services will explore the many career possibilities available to students and ways to maximize success post-graduation. Panels will allow students to network, exchange cross-cultural insights with fellow returnees and discover how to apply these. Students will be able to enter the Returnee Week photo contest for a chance to win prizes. All sessions are free. Registration is required.
Students can learn more and register
Join Safer in Recognizing Stalking Action Month Solidarity Day on Jan. 30

Tuesday, Jan. 30, is Stalking Action Month Solidarity Day, an opportunity for campus partners to gather to raise awareness about stalking and learn what Safer is doing to address this issue. Faculty and staff are invited to a Solidarity Day Reception from 8:30-10 a.m. in the Wellbeing Conference Room, located downstairs, in the Health Center (No. 27). Wear yellow and enjoy a donut, coffee and time to be in community. Safer’s “Honoring Our Orbits” campaign is raising awareness throughout January with booths, workshops, a craft circle, open mic night and continuous education on Instagram @calpolysafer. Want to get more involved with Safer? Check out the Faculty and Staff Resources page, sign up for one of its upcoming trainings, or consider joining its Learning Community.
For more on Stalking Action Month, events and Zoom backgrounds
Panetta Congressional Internship Applications Due on Feb. 12
Deadline for applications for the 2024 Panetta Institute Congressional Internship Program is noon Monday, Feb. 12. It is a prestigious Learn by Doing experience providing an opportunity for students to work in the Capitol office of a California member of the House of Representatives. The selected Panetta Intern participates in a two-week training session in August at the Panetta Institute in Monterey, followed by 11 weeks in Washington, D.C. The cost of the program is fully funded to allow participation by any qualified student, independent of family income. Submit applications by .
Learn more about program requirements and details
Code in Rome with Software Engineering Program

Software engineering, computer science and computer engineering students are invited to spend a quarter in Rome as they study software engineering and learn elementary Italian. Software engineering is a specialized program led by computer science Professor Davide Falessi as part of the university’s Global Programs. The program will start in mid-September and run as a standard fall quarter, with financial aid available. Participants will live near Rome’s historic city center while completing core engineering courses. Outside the classroom, students take guided tours through the city and field trips to Florence and Pisa as they learn about the culture and traditions of Italy’s capital from Falessi, who makes his home in Rome. The application period for the fall 2024 session is open until March 1. For more details on the program and upcoming information sessions, visit the International Center.
Read more on Software Engineering in Rome
New at 1901: Pom & Honey — Fresh Food, Great Flavors!

Pom & Honey promises to take diners’ taste buds on a culinary tour of the Mediterranean, without leaving the area! Campus Dining, which just reopened the campus’s longest-operating food service facility after four years of renovations as 1901 Marketplace, is introducing some new and exciting culinary concepts on campus. Pom & Honey offers a flavorful and unique experience featuring customizable and craveable salads, grain bowls and wraps, accented with a choice of protein, fresh veggies, hummus and delicious spreads. This venue offers amazing flavors, wholesome ingredients and distinctive spices in every dish — a modern twist on traditional Mediterranean cuisine, in a convenient and accessible platform designed with students in mind. There’s something for every palate and plate!
Learn more about all the food platforms in 1901 Marketplace
Wellbeing Services Offers Customizable Group Activities
Campus Health and Wellbeing is offering Wellbeing Warmups. These short, customizable group wellness activities take just five to 15 minutes and can be a great addition before or after a class, presentation or practice. Offerings range from chair yoga to guided meditation. To request a favorite topic for a group event, visit the Wellbeing Services presentation request form page and select Wellbeing Warmups. Questions? Contact Alexis Becerra (
Campus Blood Drive Set for Feb. 5

Be a hero and save up to three lives in just an hour by donating blood Monday, Feb. 5. The campus blood drive, hosted by University Personnel, the Orfalea College of Business and Campus Health and Wellbeing, will be held in a Vitalant bus parked on the concrete walkway on Dexter Lawn, near the Dexter Building (No. 34). Appointments are available between 10 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Scheduled donations are prioritized over walk-ups. Donors are encouraged to hydrate well and eat a hearty meal before donating. For more information, email Lisa Gray ( for more information.
Campus Beautification Initiative Accepting Applications for Utility Box Art Project Until Feb. 15

Applications are being accepted for the Utility Box Art Project, a campus beautification initiative transforming utility boxes into works of public art to enhance the vibrancy of the campus and showcase local talent. All students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to submit an application via email ( Selected artists will be notified in March and will receive a $250 VISA gift card to cover necessary materials.
See Utility Box Art Project guidelines and application
ASI Aquatics Winter Courses

Dive into the new year with ASI Aquatics! Take part in Masters Swim, Intermediate Swim or Adult Private Water Safety classes to enjoy expert swim instruction in ASI’s state-of-the-art pool! Classes range for a variety of skill levels: improving stroke technique and endurance; interval training challenges; or basic water safety. Registration is open for winter quarter.
Warm Up at the Cal Poly Recreation Center

Start the year off strong with the new winter fitness schedule at the Recreation Center! With fitness classes ranging from Hatha Yoga to Hip Hop and Heels, ASI Fitness has a plethora of choices to meet fitness needs. Check out the winter fitness schedule to find the right class.
Still Time to Create at ASI Craft Center!

After an extensive renovation, the ASI Craft Center has reopened in the UU. New additions include a multimedia craft room for team building and events, a dedicated stained-glass studio and an expanded ceramics program. Classes and workshops are filling fast, but there are still openings for the campus community! Learn to crochet, paint, make jewelry, create stained glass art and more!
Take a Look at Picos: Entrees that Avoid Gluten

Picos is just one of many exciting new dining options at the new 1901 Marketplace! Campus Dining’s new flavorful California Mexican platform that avoids gluten while serving customizable bowls, burritos and wraps. Customers can choose from a selection of proteins (including carne asada and chorizo-potato tinga), delicious options (including Spanish rice with roasted corn, spicy black beans and pico de gallo, and a wide variety of toppings (such as fajita vegetables and cheeses). Promoting the health and wellness of the Mustang community is one of Campus Dining’s top priorities. With many patrons experiencing gluten restrictions or allergies, it’s important to provide realistic, delicious and safe options. Because of the open nature of Campus Dining’s kitchens, the staff cannot guarantee that these menu items are gluten-free. However, associates are diligently trained to understand and prevent cross-contact with gluten during preparation and service.
Orchesis Dance Company to Present ‘Retrograde’ Jan. 25-27

The Theatre and Dance Department will present “Retrograde,” the Orchesis Dance Company’s 54th annual concert, on Thursday through Saturday, Jan. 25-27, in the Spanos Theatre. Performances will begin at 7:30 p.m. on all days. This year’s theme, “Retrograde,” is inspired by the namesake dance compositional tool of manipulating movement phrases in their pure reverse. Reversing movement phrases creates new ways of looking at prior material, and all choreographers were tasked with incorporating a moment or more of retrograde within their dances. Performances will include choreography by faculty, guest and student choreographers in multiple genres. Tickets are $20 for the public and $12 for students, seniors and children. They can be purchased online, by phone at 805-SLO-4TIX (ext. 6-4849) and at the Performing Arts Center San Luis Obispo Ticket Office, noon to 6 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
SLO Symphony to Perform ‘A Grand Occasion’ at PAC Feb. 3

SLO Symphony will present “A Grand Occasion” on Saturday, Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. The symphony’s third concert of the season opens with Patrice Rushen’s iconic “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory,” a genre-defying piece inspired by the late Martin Luther King Jr. that includes a quote from his 1968 “I Have a Dream” speech. The concert will also feature solo trumpeter Andrew Balio performing Arutunian’s Trumpet Concerto as well as Brahms’ Symphony No.1 in C minor with the SLO Youth Symphony.
Music Department to Present Electronic Music Concert Feb. 8

Guest artist Anne Hege, pictured left, and Music Department faculty member Julie Herndon will present an electronic music concert at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8, in Room 218 of the Davidson Music Center. Hege, in her “Divining Wisdom Part II,” will weave together works for her analog live-looping recorder with compositions for live voice, electronics and video. Herndon will perform a selection from new works for extended keyboard instruments augmented with electronics. Hege’s tape machine, which she constructed in 2009, is a portable instrument with three hacked cassette players — one recording tape head and two playback points running a handmade tape loop. Herndon will perform a selection from her “Electronic Etudes,” a collection that seamlessly integrates acoustic keyboard instruments and live electronics, ranging from the intricate world of recording and audio effects to the realms of analog and digital synthesis. The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, visit the Music Department calendar website or call ext. 6-2406.
Herb Alpert and Lani Hall to Perform at PAC Jan. 31

Cal Poly Arts presents Herb Alpert and Lani Hall on Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. Join the performers for an unforgettable evening of eclectic jazz, world and American pop music. Recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, this husband-and-wife duo has been captivating audiences (delete together) since 2006. A towering figure in American music, trumpeter, composer, arranger and producer Herb Alpert achieved worldwide fame with his Tijuana Brass project. Over a storied career that reflects the talent of a true Renaissance man, Alpert has earned five No. 1 hits, eight Grammys and 28 Billboard-charted albums. Two-time Grammy-winning vocalist and producer Hall began her singing career as the lead of Sergio Mendes’s breakthrough group, Brasil ’66. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
PURCHASE Herb Alpert and Lani Hall Tickets
Baltimore Symphony Trumpeter Andrew Balio to Present Master Class on Feb. 1

Andrew Balio, principal of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, will present a master class at 11:10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 1, in Room 218 of the Davidson Music Center. Brass players from the Music Department and San Luis Obispo Youth Symphony will perform and receive input from Balio. At age 15 he made his soloist debut with the Milwaukee Symphony playing Joseph Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major. He continued as a soloist in performances with orchestras in Asia, Europe and South America. His most recent recording — his own transcriptions of Brahms, Schumann and Schubert — was recorded at Skywalker Ranch with pianist John Wilson. For more information about the master class, which is co-sponsored by the San Luis Obispo Symphony, call the Music Department at ext. 6-2406.
Led Zepagain Tribute Band to Rock Spanos Theatre Feb. 3

James Elliott Entertainment will present tribute band Led Zepagain on Saturday, Feb. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in Spanos Theatre. Get ready to experience the iconic rock sounds of Led Zeppelin like never before! Led Zepagain, hailed by AXS TV as the “world’s greatest tribute to Led Zeppelin,” has over 35 years of rockin’ tribute history. The band has earned its title as the world’s longest-standing homage to the legendary British rock quartet and has received the ultimate seal of approval from guitarist Jimmy Page. It’s a sonic celebration that will transport listeners back to the golden age of rock ‘n’ roll as they play two of Led Zeppelin’s most iconic albums in their entirety: Led Zeppelin II and Led Zeppelin IV.
Tickets to tribute band Led Zepagain
Trumpeter Marquis Hill to Perform in Spanos Theatre Feb. 7

Cal Poly Arts will present trumpeter Marquis Hill on Wednesday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. in Spanos Theatre. Hill, a trailblazing trumpeter, breaks barriers between genres, embracing jazz, hip-hop, R&B, Chicago house and neo-soul. Experience his mastery as he seamlessly blends jazz interplay, hip-hop-infused rhythms and socially conscious spoken-word as he reinvents jazz standards in an electrifying performance. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Tickets to trumpeter Marquis Hill
'Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE' Comes to PAC Feb. 8

Cal Poly Arts will present “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE: King for a Day!” on Thursday, Feb. 8, at 6 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. The musical for little tigers and grown-ups alike is based on the No. 1 PBS KIDS TV series, the hugely popular “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE!” The program has delighted live audiences on stages across the country. Daniel and all of his friends will take audience members on a brand-new adventure in the “neighborhood of make-believe,” where Daniel learns just what it takes to be King. It’s an event filled with “tiger-tastic” fun, teaching valuable lessons of kindness, helping others and being a friend. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Tickets to 'Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood LIVE'
Trinity Irish Dance Co. to Bring ‘JIG’ to PAC Feb. 9

Cal Poly Arts will present JIG: A Trinity Irish Dance Co. Production, on Friday, Feb. 9, at 7:30 p.m. in Harold Miossi Hall. JIG, a Trinity Irish Dance Co. production, is a fresh take on TIDC’s internationally renowned, alternative approach to a traditional form. In its premiere season, JIG will redefine what is possible for Irish music and dance. Centered by a live band, JIG will immerse audiences in an authentic experience that celebrates the power of vibrations, rhythm and movement. Offering everything audiences expect and nothing they’d imagine, Trinity Irish Dance Co. brings a cutting-edge, integrity-filled vision to the stage. Founded in 1990 and called “sophisticated and commanding” by the Los Angeles Times and “impossibly complex” by The New York Times, TIDC has sold out tours in Asia and distinguished venues throughout North America, including Washington’s Kennedy Center, NYC’s Joyce Theater and Royce Hall at UCLA. This event has a 20% staff and faculty discount available.
Tickets to JIG: A Trinity Irish Dance Co. Production is a new platform that shines a spotlight on high-profile special events at Cal Poly and throughout our community, focusing on the wide and diverse range of activities on and around campus. This site is designed to help our colleges, programs, departments and facilities promote exciting events that can be seen by a selected audience. It will update regularly and includes events happening in the next 30-45 days. It is not a calendar of all events, and it does not include student club events. Here are some links to help you navigate:
Submitting an Event to
To submit your event for consideration, please send the event title, date, time, duration, ticket information, intended audience(s) and image (1600 bpi wide) to
University Events Calendar
To find a listing of all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more — visit our Master Calendar.
Scheduling/Booking Venues
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling can help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event.
Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Visit Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more
Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by visiting Cal Poly Now. Download the new Cal Poly Now app on your Apple or Android device to easily find events and activities, follow clubs and organizations, and network and grow connections across campus.
Upcoming Events @ Home
Thursday, Jan. 25
Men’s basketball vs. Cal State Fullerton, Mott Athletics Center, 7 p.m.
Saturday, Jan. 27
Women’s basketball vs. Hawai’i, Mott Athletics Center, 2 p.m
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
For all externally posted job openings, visit, where you can also sign up for job alerts. All new positions opened this week are listed below. To see all externally posted jobs across the CSU, go to CSU Careers. If you have questions, email
Cal Poly Stateside Employees: To see both external and internal-only jobs, visit the Internal Careers Site.
#534344 – Landscape and Turf Integrated Pest Management Specialist (Pest Control and Spray Specialist – Administration and Finance – Facilities Management and Development-Landscape Services. Anticipated hiring range: $42,528-$60,432 per year. Open until filled.
#535012 – Medical Assistant – Campus Health and Wellbeing – Student Affairs– CH&W – HS Clinical Services. $40,056-$64,392 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $41,088-$50,000 per year. Open until filled.
#534948 – Operations Coordinator for Leadership and Service (Administrative Support Coordinator, 12 Month) – Student Affairs – Leadership and Service. $44,172-$72,408 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $46,224-$60,348 per year. Open until filled.
Internal Postings – To find internally posted positions start from your Cal Poly Portal. Click “Cal Poly Jobs” on the left hand menu. On the next page click “Apply.” There you will see all internally and externally posted positions.
Faculty Employment Opportunities
Candidates are asked to visit to complete an application and apply for any of the positions shown below. Submit all requested application materials as attachments to your online application by the review begin date for full consideration. For assistance, email Academic Personnel at
#534594 – Full-time Lecturer – Architecture, CAED-Architecture.
#534578 – Assistant/Associate Professor of Controlled Environment Plant Production, CAFES-Plant Sciences.
#534595 – Full-time Lecturer – City and Regional Planning, CAED-City and Regional Planning.
Part-Time Lecturer Pools – Pools are opening for 2023-24 academic year. Visit and search department of interest.
Corporation Employment Opportunities
Cal Poly Corporation is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Corporation website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at ext. 6-1121.
No new listings this week.
ASI Employment Opportunities
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Only new job listings are posted below. For a full list of available postings and to apply, visit the Work For ASI webpage. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
No new listings this week.
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report(CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators. Submissions may run a maximum of three times and should be limited to 150 words. To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. A list of designated approvers is available on the Cal Poly Report index website. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. The approval form is available online in fillable pdf format or a downloadable Microsoft Word format. CPR is published weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 12:30 p.m. the Friday prior to publication. Cal Poly Report appears weekly, every Wednesday.