For the First Time
25% of Cal Poly Students are Latinx
Cal Poly has reached a significant milestone in its quest for Hispanic Serving Institution designation, as Fall 2024 enrollment numbers show Hispanic/Latino student enrollment at the required 25% for the first time ever. This achievement brings Cal Poly one step closer to official HSI designation, which requires maintaining this 25% threshold for two consecutive years before applying. Achieving HSI status will unlock access to resources and grants that will help deepen support systems for Latinx/e students and further strengthen the university’s goal of fostering an inclusive campus culture. Latinx/e students make up approximately 29% of the incoming undergraduate class.
'Just Allow These Kids to be Kids’
Student Club Supports Local Children Impacted by Cancer
Every summer, a group of local children head to a lakeside camp in Santa Barbara County for a week of bonding and fun. Unlike most summer camps, this one is run by the Cal Poly chapter of Kesem, a college-based nationwide organization designed to support kids whose parents or guardians have been impacted by cancer. The no-cost summer camp gives these children an opportunity to build a supportive community around a shared experience while also having fun.
Ask an Expert: How has AI Changed Misinformation
And What Does That Mean for Consumers?
Since 2020, misinformation has become a dominant part of public online discourse: unequivocally false claims about the 2020 election, COVID-19, hurricanes and presidential candidates have swirled, driven further by the rise of AI. Cal Poly News sat down with Kim Bisheff, an assistant professor in Cal Poly’s Journalism Department who studies how misinformation spreads online, for a chat about what digital media consumers face, how misinformation has changed — and what we can do about it.
Campus and Community
Behind the Scenes of Beautification at the Leaning Pine Arboretum
From tending to lush gardens to building accessible seating, students and faculty have been hard at work in Cal Poly’s Leaning Pine Arboretum to prepare the five-acre living laboratory for visitors in the new academic year. “It’s really a space for everyone,” said Tiffany Faulstich, arboretum manager and Plant Sciences Department lecturer. She oversees a team of student employees who help the gardens thrive year round while guiding large-scale improvement projects. Over the last few months, she has worked with students to lay roughly 500 linear feet of accessible pathways throughout the gardens, creating a more accessible walking loop.
Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer
Meggan Levitt
Following a nationwide search, Meggan Levitt started as Cal Poly’s new vice president for Information Technology and chief information officer Oct. 28. Levitt will focus on guiding Cal Poly’s technology strategic planning efforts, directing technology initiatives and efficiently and responsibly leading the operations of IT services. Most recently serving as the assistant vice provost and associate chief information officer for Academic Applications at UC Davis, she has a long history of working collaboratively with diverse groups across campus and clearly and openly communicating pertinent changes and updates. Please join Administration and Finance leadership in welcoming Meggan to Cal Poly.
Student Administration, HR Administration, and Student Center Applications will be unavailable Nov. 15-17
Upcoming PeopleSoft Upgrade
The Student Administration, HR Administration, and Student Center applications, accessed through the MyCalPoly Portal, will be unavailable from 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15 to noon Sunday, Nov. 17, due to a required PeopleSoft system upgrade. The maintenance upgrade is critical, because it includes bug fixes and security updates to ensure Cal Poly's system is current. Please note that during this maintenance window, links in the “Employee Info” and “Personal Info” sections of the “Personal Info” tab on the portal will be unavailable. If you have questions or need help, contact the ITS Service Desk at (805) 756-7000 or
Faculty and Staff
Division of Research
2025-26 RSCA Grant Program
The Division of Research, in partnership with the Academic Senate Grants Review Committee, would like to remind faculty that proposals are currently being accepted for the 2025-26 Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities (RSCA) Grant Program. The RSCA Grant Program is supported by funds from the CSU Chancellor’s Office and the Cal Poly Provost's Office. Proposals should be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Thursday, Dec.12, 2024, via the Cal Poly InfoReady system. For full application and submission instructions, please view the RSCA Request for Proposals on the Division of Research website. Please direct questions to
Office for University Diversity and Inclusion
Building Toward Equity Workshops
The Office for University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI) and the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology (CTLT) are hosting two workshops open to faculty and staff as part of the Building Toward Equity program. The first, “Trauma Healing for Educators of Color,” will take place 4-7 p.m. Nov. 20. The second, “Community Cultural Wealth and Asset-Based Teaching,” is a two-part workshop from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 15 and 22, designed to support equity-focused professional development. For more details and registration, visit the Building Toward Equity Workshops page.
Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
Showcasing Cree Language in Library Discovery
This Native American Heritage Month, we are proud to feature our ILS and discovery systems’ support for Cree syllabics. Highlighted in the Kennedy Library’s collection, "The Memoirs of Miss Chief Eagle Testickle" exemplifies our technological capabilities and dedication to preserving Cree cultural heritage. These hardback volumes, primarily in English with sections in Cree, are available on the New Books shelf in Crandall Gym (Building 60). Created by Cree artist Kent Monkman and collaborator Gisèle Gordon, this work offers a transformative view of Turtle Island's history through the eyes of Monkman's alter ego, Miss Chief Eagle Testickle.
Campus Announcements
Campus Visits Update
CAFES Dean Candidate
New dates have been confirmed for campus visits for finalists in the search for the Dean of CAFES. The campus community is invited to attend open forums with three finalists during their visits that will take place Nov. 7-8, Nov. 12-13, and Nov. 14-15. Additional details on the open forums, including information on each finalist and a Zoom link for virtual participation, will be shared in advance.
ASI Craft Center
Register for Fall Workshops
Did you miss out on registering for a six-week Craft Center course? No worries! Consider joining a workshop instead. These one- or two-day sessions offer a fantastic opportunity to try a new craft or improve a favorite skill. There are still a few spots available for select paint nights, stained glass workshops and weekend surfboard shaping sessions.
Learn more about ASI Craft Center Workshops
Trips for Campus Groups and Departments
ASI Poly Escapes
Looking for a great team bonding experience? Join Poly Escapes for an overnight camping trip at Lopez Lake Nov. 9–10 or Dec. 6–8 for up to 12 participants. All camping essentials, activities and transportation are included. Prefer a custom day trip instead? The Poly Escapes team can help with that, too. All trips are professionally facilitated and customized to fit your group’s needs! Contact Sarah Sindel, coordinator–– outdoor recreation, at for details.
Register Today
Strategic Enrollment Management’s Fall Summit on Dec. 4
Registration is open for Strategic Enrollment Management’s (SEM) Fall SEM Summit, Wednesday, Dec. 4, at the Performing Arts Center (PAC). The goal of the summit is to inform the campus community about relevant happenings in the division and higher education and to answer questions. The conference-style summit will offer a variety of presentations along with working sessions hosted by Institutional Research and the Office of Data Management. Please take a few minutes to review what will be presented, register for sessions you want to attend and select what you prefer to enjoy at lunch (registration deadline is Wednesday, Nov. 20).
Review sessions and register for the SEM Summit
Cal Poly Police
Discussion of Annual Report of Regulated Equipment Set for Nov. 13
The CSU systemwide Regulated Tools and Equipment Policy was adopted in response to Assembly Bill 481, which requires every law enforcement agency in California to publish certain information annually regarding specified equipment. CPPD will host a community engagement event to discuss information contained within its 2024 report at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 13, in Building 36, Room 105, the Public Safety Training Room. The community engagement event is open to all students, faculty and staff at Cal Poly.
Art and Design Department
Opening Reception for ‘Strange Birds’
The University Art Gallery is pleased to present “Strange Birds,” a multi-faceted show by interdisciplinary artist Heidi Neilson from Nov. 7 to Dec. 6. Satellites, nicknamed “birds” in aerospace and ham radio circles, are critical to our lives but are essentially invisible. Neilson’s exhibition uses video, electronics, prints, photographs and book works to investigate our relationship with satellites. An opening reception and talk are set to take place 5-7 p.m. Nov. 7 at the University Art Gallery (No. 34), with the talk commencing at 5:30 p.m.
2024 SLO
GIS Day Event
Explore modern mapping with the SLO GIS Users Group from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the SLO Public Library Community Room, 995 Palm St., San Luis Obispo. SLO GIS Day is a free event featuring exhibits, a map gallery, and lightning talk presentations. Exhibits showcase how geospatial tools are used to solve problems and inform decision-making. Meet with professionals in local government, business, non-profits, higher education, and more! This event is a great opportunity for students, staff, and faculty to share and learn more about how GIS tools are used to serve and connect the community.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
Women’s basketball vs. UC Merced, Mott Athletics Center, 6 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 8
Volleyball vs. Cal State Bakersfield, Mott Athletics Center, 6 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 9
Football vs. Northern Arizona, Mustang Memorial Field at Spanos Stadium, 5 p.m.
Volleyball vs. CSUN, Mott Athletics Center, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 10
Men’s basketball vs. Menlo College, Mott Athletics Center, 6 p.m.
Men's soccer vs. UC Davis, Mustang Memorial Field at Spanos Stadium, 2 p.m.
Employment Opportunities
CSU/State Positions
The official listing of staff and management vacancies is posted on As a courtesy to our on-campus employees, job vacancies are also published in the Cal Poly Report. Current employees can also find job postings at CSU Careers, an internal job site for CSU employees. To apply, go online and complete the application form. Applicants needing assistance may contact Human Resources at 805-756-2236.
For assistance with academic positions, email Academic Personnel.
Submit all requested application materials as attachments to your online application by the review begin date for full consideration.
Goods and Services Procurement Specialist - Strategic Business Services – Administration and Finance – SBS - Procurement Services. $51,756-$93,672 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $64,714-$82,240 per year. Open until filled. #544085
Custodian - University Housing – Student Affairs – UH - Custodial Operations. $44,160- $59,412 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $44,160-$52,589 per year. Open until filled. #544067
Social Media Specialist (Public Affairs/Communication Specialist II) – University Communications and Marketing – UCM. $49,752-$90,000 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $68,000-$74,000 per year. Open until filled. #544020
Emergency Hire Administrative Support Coordinator I - Student Affairs – Student Affairs – SADO - Business Services. $22.29-$35.03 per hour. Anticipated Hiring Range: $22.29-$24.52 per hour. Open until filled. #543868
Sustainability and Waste Specialist (Administrative Analyst/Specialist – Exempt II) – Administration and Finance – Facilities Management – Energy and Sustainability. $66,444-$120,168 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $70,000-$100,000 per year. Open until filled. #542678
Police Chief (Administrator III) – Administration and Finance – AFD - Public Safety. Anticipated hiring range: $189,000 - $210,000 per year. Open until filled. #542742
Administrative Analyst - Biological Sciences (Administrative Analyst/Specialist 12 Mo - Non-Exempt) – Academic Affairs - Provost – CSM - Biological Sciences. $46,548-$89,856 per year. Anticipated hiring range: $62,000-$76,000 per year. Open until filled. #543963
Department Head - Architectural Engineering – CAED - Architectural Engineering. #543174
Tenure Track Position - Visual and Performing Arts Education – CSM - Liberal Studies. #543791
Tenure Track Position - Exercise Physiology – CSM - Kinesiology and Public Health. #543785
Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering – CAED - Architectural Engineering. #543172
Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering (AY 25/26) - CENG - Aerospace Engineering. #543571
Head Women's Soccer Coach - Athletics - Soccer Women. #544025
PART-TIME LECTURER POOLS – Pools are open for 2024-2025 academic year. Please visit and search department of interest.
Cal Poly Partners Positions
Cal Poly Partners is a separate entity operating in concert with the university to provide a diverse range of services and resources to students, faculty and staff. To view all available job postings or apply, visit the Partners website. For assistance, contact Human Resources at 805-756-1121.
No Listings
ASI Employment Positions
Hiring, developing and empowering quality staff is what drives the ASI organization. Join ASI’s dynamic team that supports not only the students of Cal Poly, but the entire university and greater San Luis Obispo communities. Only new job listings are posted below. For a full list of available postings and to apply, visit the Work For ASI webpage. Sign up for the Work For ASI newsletter to be the first to know about new opportunities. For more information, contact ASI Human Resources at
No Listings
Submission Guidelines
Cal Poly Report (CPR) is Cal Poly's official employee newsletter, designed to communicate information about officially sanctioned university news or events to faculty, staff and administrators.
All announcements, events and other listings and information must be faculty- and/or staff-focused. Submissions may run only one time — with the exception of Catastrophic Leave announcements and Employment Opportunities, which can run up to two consecutive weeks. Items are strictly limited to 100 words and should, whenever possible, provide a link to additional information online.
To help ensure CPR continues to contain only relevant and approved information, submissions are required to come from or be approved by the employee designated to approve submissions in the respective colleges, units and work areas. Entries submitted by those other than the designated approver must be accompanied by an approval form signed by the unit's approver. CPR is published on Wednesdays weekly during the school year, except during academic breaks, and monthly in the summer. The deadline for each issue is 5 p.m. the Thursday prior to publication.
Event Marketing Resources
University Communications and Marketing has resources and tools to help promote your event to the campus community.
University Events Calendar
University Events Calendar is a Master Calendar that lists all events — such as performances, lectures, workshops and more.
25Live: Space and Event Scheduling
Use 25Live to help you schedule or book a venue for an upcoming on-campus event. Note that a minimum three-day lead time is required to process a request for use of space through the Office of the Registrar.
Cal Poly Now
Turn to Cal Poly Now for Student Affairs events, learning opportunities and more. Find the latest student-focused campus events from your favorite Student Affairs programs and services by through Cal Poly Now.
Thank you for reading the Cal Poly Report.
The next issue will be Wednesday, Nov. 13.