HEERF Emergency Aid Reports
Federal Cares Act Emergency Student Grant and Institutional Grant Reports
Updated 7/10/23
According to the federal HEERF Requirements, the following information regarding the emergency aid, both direct student aid and funds to assist higher education institutions are being made available and per federal guidance will be updated Quarterly (October/January/April/July) until the emergency grant funds are fully expended. As of June 30th, all HEERF emergency funding has been spent and the program is closed.
Federal Reporting
Effective with the July 2022 quarterly report, both direct student aid and institutional spending is reported on the federal pdf form linked below.
How to Obtain HEERF Assistance
Effective June 30, 2023 all HEERF emergency aid has been fully expended. The program is now closed.
Emergency Grant Historical Information
Cal Poly signed and returned to the Department of Education the signed certification and agreement to receive Cares Act funding which assures that no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) will be used to provide emergency financial aid grants to students.
The total amount allocated to Cal Poly under the CARES ACT provision is $14,095,976.
Of that, $7,047,988 is to be spent as direct emergency grants to students. At this time, all of the student emergency grant funds have been spent.
Higher Education Emergency Relief Grant (HEERF II)
On December 27, 2020 additional federal emergency funds (HEERF II) were authorized. Cal Poly’s portion is $20,752,799 of which $7,047,988 must be used for direct grant aid to students. At this time, all the student emergency grant funds have been spent.
American Rescue Plan (HEERF III)
On March 11, 2021 the American Rescue Plan (HEERF III) was signed into law. Cal Poly’s portion is $36,886,641 of which $18,444,062 must be used for direct grant aid to students. At this time, all the student emergency grant funds have been spent.
Prior Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting
HEERF I, II, and III (a)(1) Institutional Portion and (a)(2) Minority Serving Institutions