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Part-Time Enrollment

When you are registered less than full-time (12 units for undergraduates, 8 units for graduates), you may not automatically receive your aid money at the beginning of the quarter. After the class add/drop deadline each quarter, the amount of your aid will be reviewed and may be adjusted according to the number of units in which you are enrolled.

With the exception of the Pell Grant, you must be registered at least half-time (6 units for Undergraduates and 4 units for Graduates) to receive financial aid. Wait-listed classes do not count as being registered. If you receive aid for full-time and drop below 12 or more units, your aid money may be revised, and you may have to pay some of it back.

How Your Aid Is Pro-rated

Pell Grant and Cal Grant

12+ units = 100% of full-time award
9-11 units = 75% of full-time award
6-8 units = 50% of full-time award
1-5 units = 25% of full-time award (Pell Grant only–Cal Grant awards $0 for 1-5 units.)

State University Grant


7+ units = Full-time award
6 units = Part-time award
Under 6 units = Award Cancelled


7+ units = Full-time award
4-6 units = Part-time award
Under 4 units = Award Cancelled

Student Loans

All federal student loans require at least half-time enrollment (6 units for undergraduates and 4 units for graduate students). The polices of private lenders vary but are often more flexible with this requirement.

Cal Poly Scholarships

Scholarship recipients are required to be enrolled full-time. Exceptions can sometimes be made if you are graduating and do not need full-time units to complete your degree. If this applies to you, email [email protected] the first week of classes for evaluation.

Outside Scholarships

Donor rules vary for unit requirements. If the donor requires full time attendance, we will notify them, and they will instruct us on what to do with the money. If they do not indicate that full-time enrollment is required, you will receive the scholarship after add/drop.